Mayhap* you haven’t heard of these?

Welcome to Round 7 of ABC Wednesday. The meme was started by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt, and people from all over the world come together to play and share their entries. Each week word(s) beginning with the designated letter are selected and illustrate through a photo, poem or prose. My twist on the meme is selecting unusual words and pairing them with photos of familiar things in my world. I’ll be pulling words from sources here, here and, of course, here.

Let’s get unusual.

margaric: pearl-like.
This is my favorite necklace…an anniversary gift.

melittology: study of bees.
Busy little carpenter bee didn’t even notice I was hovering over him with a camera.

minauderie display of affectation.
This is from my Daddy-Daughter reunion post. While deployed, Army Guy missed Peanut’s first birthday, her first steps, first words and her first kisses. Aside from a 10-day leave just before her birthday, he was away from her from the time she was 5 months old until 17 months old.

mayhap* perhaps.

For more ABC Wednesday from around the world, click the logo in my sidebar. Hope you play next week!

12 thoughts on “Mayhap* you haven’t heard of these?

  1. Mayhap this will be our last war and we will learn to talk with one another, to listen to one another, to live in peace with one another.
    Love the photo of Peanut and her dad.


  2. Lovely shots but the best of all is the last one. Peanut obviously remembered her daddy. My father went away when my sister was three weeks old and came back when she was three years old. Royal Navy commissions were long in those far-off days.


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