How much time are you wasting being angry?

Texture by Kim Klassen Cafe: Let-Go

The topic this week at Quotography is Happiness, and Kim Klassen’s Texture Tuesday prompt is Free and Easy. Coincidentally, the texture I used on the photo is titled Let-Go, which I think is appropriate for the either prompt.

Happiness is such an elusive little bugger, isn’t it? Totally dependent on whether life is going the way we think it should. Totally dependent on whether those around us are doing the things we think they should. If not, we’re anything but happy.

One thing I’ve learned in the more than half century of living is that life is short. Sixty, seventy or eighty years of life is just a blip on the eternity screen, and none of us are guaranteed another day above ground on this earth.

So why do we hinge our happiness on all things external? Why do our warm fuzzies tend to be dependent on our mood at any given time? Whether happiness is found through religious, philosophical, biological or psychological means, one thing is for sure.

Every minute we spend tied up with being angry, bitter or resentful at someone or something, we lose 60 seconds of free and easy happiness! Why on earth would we choose otherwise? Perhaps we need to learn how to let go of the insignificant, trivial things that keep us from being happy and living life to the fullest…while we still can.

Linking up with Quotography: Happiness and Texture Tuesday:Free & Easy

16 thoughts on “How much time are you wasting being angry?

  1. Did you write this one just for me Lisa?

    Ha, I def battle sometimes with trying not to be angry/frustrated and looking for the positives and opportunities in whatever life throws at me.

    Happiness is certainly out there if I’ll just pray and open my eyes for a fresh perspective.

    Good stuff.


  2. This is a hard lesson to learn but one that I need to really embrace because of some caregiving issues I’m dealing with in my family. Thanks for this reminder–I’ll try to use my 60 sec wisely in the future.


  3. I needed this post – I am not feeling well and as a result am feeling cranky and irritable and my ex-husband has been a pian the last few days so I was feeling quite justified in being ‘less than happy’ – but I was wrong (and I really knew it anyway) and this post is just what I needed to ‘re-evaluate’ – thank you xx


  4. I love love love that quote. I think a benefit of getting older and of having had to deal with breast cancer and now with husband’s cancer is that I have realized how short and how precious each moment and each day is. Smaller things now make me happy, and I try not to waste my time and energy on anger. I am not always successful, but I know the joy and the happiness a bird or bloom outside my window can bring. I know my house does not need to be spotless, if taking time for something else brings more happiness.


  5. So true and yet so easy to forget. My Achilles heel is work. When I feel anger bubbling up, I get up, step outside for a walk, and talk myself down off that ledge. Some days I do this better than others.


  6. Truer words were never spoken. Your photo edit and quote are spot on. I hope that when it’s my time to pass on the last words on my lips are kind and not angry or spiteful.


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