Let's get real about thankfulness


In the beginning, the Lord created chocolate, and he saw that it was good.
Then he separated the light from the dark, and it was better.

As we enter into Thanksgiving week, let’s get real about what we’re really thankful for, right?! 😉

(For those of you that know me, you’ll notice my tongue is firmly placed in my cheek and I gave a quick winked when I said this.)

Linking up with Quotography

6 thoughts on “Let's get real about thankfulness

  1. “In the begin­ning, the Lord cre­ated choco­late, and he saw that it was good.
    Then he sep­a­rated the light from the dark, and it was better.”

    OMG Lisa, you should have heard me HOWL when I read that! It’s brilliant! And I agree…dark is the BEST!

    I’ve never had Harry and David chocolate, but I hear it’s awesome. One of my favorite dark chocolate is from Dove. So creamy and smooth.

    FUN post, my friend. Thoroughly enjoyed!

    Have a wonderful week…..X


  2. Definitely a good thankfulness, and I really think that after that pumpkin pie with whipped cream was created and it had my name on it. Love the photo and the playfulness!! 😉


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