Seasonal Friday Finds

blue christmas light
texture by Kim Klassen: Lilly 100% soft light

Well, it’s not exactly an everlasting light, but I noticed the Christmas lights on the back patio railing looked especially bright during last Friday night’s freezing drizzle.

I love to see Christmas lights pierce the darkness during cold, winter nights. If they’re shining through the darkness with snow on the ground, it gives me such a calm, serene feeling. When last Friday’s cold rain turned into freezing drizzle, I’m not sure the lights have ever shined brighter.

Linking up with Friday Finds
Friday Finds

8 thoughts on “Seasonal Friday Finds

  1. My heart is full to overflowing with the beauty of the images I see whenever I click through one of the Tuesday Textures or Friday Finds. So glad that we have all found Kim and are sharing her journey!


  2. There is indeed something about this time of year – the cold, the sparkle of lights, a sense of anticipation that brings us back to childhood innocence.

    Such a simple thing – a string of lights here and there – and so evocative.


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