who am i?

Chronologically, I’m older than I am in my mind’s eye. I firmly believe we all have four ages; chronological, physical, emotional and psychological. Therefore, I’m anywhere  between 28 and 88 years old! In reality, I consider myself “seasoned,” and wandered into the blogosphere as an alternative to traditional forms of journaling. I’m a “creative” by nature, designer by training, wife/mom/nana by choice and teacher in every opportunity I can find.

Peripheral Perceptions was created to record the observations of my life from different corners of my personality. In these mind wandering, I write about kids, grandkids, dogs, cats, work, passions, friendships and relationships of all kinds. Mainly, it’s a trip through my inner thought processes. Sometimes a very dark place, other times full of rainbows and butterflies. Thanks for wandering in to read my mind. Please leave the door wide open on your way out.

18 thoughts on “who am i?

  1. I would love to share gen. info with you! I have been fortunate enough to get quite a bit on the Wescott side. Isn’t that neat that David Elmer was both of our great grandfathers! I have several photo’s if you need me to email you any.



  2. Frequently I have to remind myself that I am probably chronologically older than the ‘older’ people I meet by chance – I just feel younger – or is it really that I’m less mature?


  3. Hi Lisa — I just discovered your blog today, and am enjoying its random cheerfulness! I’ve added it to a list of positive blogs that I keep on my own site. 🙂


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