More birthday thoughts

birthday quote72

And, in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count.
It’s the life in your years.
~Abraham Lincoln

Since next Monday is President’s Day here in the states, I thought this quote by Abraham Lincoln was appropriate for this week’s Quotography’s prompt: Birthday.

Mine was last month. If you missed it, no worries. Sometimes I can’t even remember from year to year what birthday number I’m suppose to be celebrating!

And maybe that’s how it should be. Maybe we shouldn’t dwell on the whatever number the calendar says it is…after all, it’s only a number. Let’s be more concerned about the quality of those years instead of the quantity. After all, don’t we all know 30-, 40-, 50-year-old people who act like they’ve got one foot in the ground; and 80- and 90-year-olds that refuse to succumb to the fact that they’re getting up there in years?

Personally, I feel younger this year than I did a decade ago. There’s no logical reason for that, and really can’t explain why. Maybe I’m in better health? Maybe my perspective about life has changed? Maybe there’s less stress in my day-to-day routine? I don’t know.

I’m much more at peace than years past. I’ve realized a lot of things about myself and have made more than a few attitude adjustments.

I’ve absolutely no idea how many more days I have on this earth. But however many the good Lord has seen fit to give me, it’s my desire to make them count a much as possible; the good, the bad and the ugly!

Linking up with Quotography
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8 thoughts on “More birthday thoughts

  1. I know that over the past few years, the wordly things around are less attractive and I wish i had the dollars that I spent on all those shoes and clothes that no longer interest me. The quote is so true. Cheers


  2. What a wonderful outlook you have!!
    I honestly have not felt older for the past several birthdays, and I really do think it is quite simply because we become wiser, more accepting of the things beyond our control, and if we’re very lucky more appreciative of what we have.

    I hope you’ve had a wonderful beginning to your week!


  3. What an uplifting (and calming) post, Lisa. I note you mention those who are still SO young and who act as if they’re on their last legs. That has always astounded me (and still does); I can’t help but compare to the 84-year old mother of a friend who, frankly, has more physical energy than I do!

    While much truly is a matter of the physical, there is also approach. Each day, a gift – not always the gift we might imagine, but a gift all the same. And each day, with its lessons.

    For some of us, that is the good stuff. The best stuff. The real stuff.

    Thank you for this small but important reminder on a cold, wet day when I was feeling slowed too much and not enough…


  4. Perspective can be such a comforting presence. I have to remember that.

    And thanks for your comment on the Ferguson case over at my place Lisa. It is unfortunate that how someone might look enters into the decision-making process of the criminal justice system–but it sure does.


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