Discovering some loose ends

Remember back months ago when I switched from a self-hosted blog to so I could simplify parts of my life? Yeah......well, I just figured out that all the links on two very important pages didn't successfully make the move to their new home. So, I've spent the majority of the morning searching for the … Continue reading Discovering some loose ends

What is the Liturgy of your Life?

Texture by Kim Klassen; 0216 Magic When God forgives, he at once restores. ~Theodore Epp Liturgy. The word most likely conjures up negative impressions of stuffy, stale religious services that don't really speak to our enlightened, contemporary culture. By definition, liturgy means: a customary repertoire of ideas, phrases, or observances; a prescribed form for public religious worship. Now, admit it...your … Continue reading What is the Liturgy of your Life?

X is for eXpectations

You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. ~Matthew 5:48 (Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount) Whoa. Whaaaat? We're eXpected to be perfect?  With eXpectations like that, no wonder people take issue with Christianity. So what exactly does God expect from us? Since he is a holy, perfect God, imperfection cannot … Continue reading X is for eXpectations