The answers are simple

simple answers72
Texture by Kim Klassen: happy heart; soft light 100% and multiply 100%

Sometimes the questions are complicated
and the answers are simple.

~Dr. Seuss

We sometimes make things much more complicated than they need to be, don’t we? Most decisions that affect these little ones can be best resolved by asking what would be in their best interest. Aside from our personal issues, these are the ones that are directly impacted by our future decisions. Don’t we owe it to them to put ourselves into their shoes and see life through their eyes before we forever alter their future?

As adults, we tend to make life much, much more complicated than it really needs to be. We can’t help it. We’re full of head trash and preconceived ideas about how our lives should be. Sometimes we get so so consumed with our ourselves that we forget the bigger picture. True, if we’re not happy, they probably won’t be happy either. But then the question becomes, can or should we adjust our attitudes about what makes us happy in order to provide what’s best for them? Or, do we forge ahead with our own plan, hoping they will adjust, adapt and just be flexible for our sake?

Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. ~Matthew 6:21

Linking up with Texture Twist, Texture Tuesday and Life Through the Lens
texture-twist Texture Tuesday
Life through lens

12 thoughts on “The answers are simple

  1. Oooooo boy, that’s definitely a loaded question, Lisa, and one to really think about. I had a tendency to adapt for the sake of my kids, and it worked out fine, but in hindsight, I’m not sure it should always be that way. Some sort of happy medium would be nice. 🙂


  2. I definitely make things more complicated. I like to think that it is not for selfish reasons, but more to error on the cautious side and reduce risk. Obviously, that can be a problem as well.


  3. Lisa, this portrait is absolutely gorgeous! And I mean this sincerely, you really have such a special eye for photography because you know when to capture the perfect moment!

    And yes, we often do make things much more complicated than they really are. And I think that’s because (for me, anyway) we sometimes project so far into the future that it’s hard for us to see the answer (clarity) which often right in front of us.

    Great post!


  4. So very true! I know I have been there, done that. It is really only in these last few years that I have lightened up a bit. hmm I wonder if age has anything to do with it, LOL!


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