Today's Sunshine!

Some people are making such thorough plans for rainy days
that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine.
~William Feather

Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with planning for a rainy day. It’s the responsible, smart thing to do given the uncertainty of our economic and political environments. If we didn’t, we just might find ourselves up a creek without said paddle. But some of us are so focused on planning for the “what ifs” that we don’t take time to enjoy what joys today has to offer. So, firm up those contingency plans, and then go play in the sunshine and enjoy what’s been given to you today!

Personally, I think enjoying today’s sunshine would be best served in a hammock with the above view.

This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
~Psalm 118:24

Linking up with Quotography: Sunshine


10 thoughts on “Today's Sunshine!

  1. Love this quote – it’s goes with my post about saturation. I’d love to be saturated in sunshine, but saturation in photos is a bit different. Check it out. Have a sunshiny week, Lisa!

    abcw team


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