And then he was gone

Peanut’s big brother arrived the end of May to spend part of the summer with us. But, today he had to leave to go back to his mom’s house Alabama. The morning was a bit rough with Peanut not very happy about this turn of events…which her mood reflected as we all were getting ready for school and work.

The last six weeks have gone by quickly, and I hope he had a good time. Below are a few shots of his time with his middle Missouri family.

Perhaps the highlight of his stay was the week spent at our church’s Kids Club 2013:Treasure Island vacation bible school. He asked at least 5 times whether he could go back to it after the week was finished! You can check out the video montage of it HERE. No, really, check it out…it was an awesome week. And check out the cutie in the pink pirate bandana at 1:48.

pirates slide two pirates pirate JayR

There were some “firsts” in that he learned how to ride a bike without training wheels…which he proceeded to do up and down the driveway…and into the grass…and then on to the back yard. With 2 acres, there was a lot of room to practice!

bije riding

There were some wicked water fights in the back yard.

water fight water fight 2

And what’s summer without a little fishing?


And playground time?

monkey bars

And pool time?

kids in pool

He showed his Renaissance Man side at a family wedding, and we could hardly get him off the dance floor!

family dance

He topped off his stay with a family Independence Day celebration, complete with BBQ and, of course, firecrackers.


There were the occasional quiet moments….but they were few and far between.

Peanut-JR reading

We met him when Peanut was born in 2008. He was a  shy, little four-year-old who didn’t know what to think of this new baby sister, and these new grandparents called Nana and Papa. So, I suppose you could say when our first grandchild arrived, we actually got a two-fer deal!

Peanut-BB baptism

Since then, he’s assimilated well into our world whenever he’s here. At least I hope he thinks so.

Peanut-BB 6-2013

Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old. ~Mary H. Waldrip

8 thoughts on “And then he was gone

  1. I also married a ‘package deal’ since Steph & Shane were 5 & 6 when Pat & I married. They spent every June & July with us and then back to northern Wisconsin. It was so hard on our three when big brother & sister had to return but because they were with us for an extended time the kids truly were, and are, siblings in every sense of the word. We were overjoyed when, after graduation, both the kids moved in with us, went to college here and Steph is still only 45 minutes away. At that time there wasn’t even a computer let alone email or skype – that would have been amazing! Extra hugs and Nana time can heal all broken hearts ;o)


  2. Okay Lisa, first I say that the recap video was AWESOME!! It was so perfectly put together!

    “And check out the cutie in the pink pirate ban­dana at 1:48.”

    Yup…I saw her!! She’s a MOVIE STAR!!!

    What a wonderful thing this Kids Camp is! They all looked like they had so much fun.

    Also, these photographs you shared are just precious. Loved the one of him hold Peanut!

    Yes, I can imagine how hard it was for Peanut when her big brother left. Last July, when I went to visit my family in Florida for two weeks, after not seeing them in years, it was so hard when I left.

    Wonderful post, my friend. Enjoyed it!



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