Photo Blogging Challenge: ‘Tis the Season

photo blog challenge


PJ’s theme for December’s photo challenge is, appropriately, ‘Tis the Season. And while that sounds easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, it was not really the case at our house. Shortly after Thanksgiving, Entrepreneur was diagnosed with kidney cancer and it looks like it has spread to other areas. Needless to say, the season came to a screeching halt and never really materialized to its fullest potential. I had most of the decorations already up, but never quite embraced the season this year. My Christmas music was oddly silent most of the month.

But, thanks to wonderful friends and family, we got through surgery to remove the kidney, and he came home from the hospital for Christmas. We’re waiting for biopsy results and bracing for the next phase. It’s all very surreal and our days are not very merry and bright this year with this hanging over our heads.

But the holidays did come, complete with a visit from Santa, and we embraced them with thankfulness and new perspectives. Here are my five plus one extra just because I can.

1. What is Christmas without a poinsettia? This one is the size of a small bush, two and a half feet high, and showed up at the hospital to brighten his room during his stay.


2. While this is not the snowfall many of you have already had, it’s the most we’ve had all month in Middle Missouri. Just enough to make everything look clean and pretty, calm and peaceful. Peaceful and calm…Two things I could really use right now.

December 2014

3. No Christmas season is complete around here without a trip to see the Magic Tree. Peanut has seen it almost every year since she was a year old. This year was the first one for Twix at 10 months.

peanut magic tree lights Twix magic tree

4. A little Christmas bling….


5. …on the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree 2014

And one more, because everyone needs a little elf like this one hanging around the house at Christmas.

Peanut Santa 2014

So, there you have it…the bad balanced by the good. Check out PJ’s post to see what ‘Tis the Season means to others.

14 thoughts on “Photo Blogging Challenge: ‘Tis the Season

  1. Pingback: Monthly Photo Challenge – ‘Tis the Season (December 2014) | Out and About with the GeoKs

  2. I am so touched by your story and your photos. You are very strong and you should be proud of how you are ready for the fight ahead. You are holding everything down AND I can see you made Christmas something special despite the unexpected news. Hang in there. Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!


  3. Beautiful photographs, Lisa! And it’s true what you said about how snow makes everything look and feel more peaceful and calm. We haven’t gotten much so far this winter, but I hear that New Year’s day we might be getting more. And you know me, I LOVE snow, so I’m looking forward to it.

    Know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers, my friend!

    ((((((((((( You )))))))))))

    The best to you and your family in 2015!


  4. Oh my I have been a bit out of the loop this holiday season. I am so very sorry to learn this news. Words never seem enough at a time like this.

    One thing came to my mind. The words of the Hymn, Whispering Hope: (I hope you find comfort in them.)

    Soft as the voice of an angel,
    Breathing a lesson unheard,
    Hope with a gentle persuasion
    Whispers her comforting word:
    Wait till the darkness is over,
    Wait till the tempest is done,
    Hope for the sunshine tomorrow,
    After the shower is gone. Refrain:
    Whispering hope, oh, how welcome thy voice,
    Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.

    If, in the dusk of the twilight,
    Dim be the region afar,
    Will not the deepening darkness
    Brighten the glimmering star?
    Then when the night is upon us,
    Why should the heart sink away?
    When the dark midnight is over,
    Watch for the breaking of day.
    Hope, as an anchor so steadfast,
    Rends the dark veil for the soul,
    Whither the Master has entered,
    Robbing the grave of its goal;
    Come then, oh, come, glad fruition,
    Come to my sad weary heart;
    Come, O Thou blest hope of glory,
    Never, oh, never depart.

    Wrapping God’s arms around you all.


  5. I’m sorry to hear about the news of your husband. The photos you have posted this month are well done. I particularly like the poinsettia. Our town plants them every time at this season and I believe this is the first time I haven’t gone downtown to take a photo or two of them.


  6. Your photographs clearly convey that you found the peace and beauty that transcends the all-to-typical frenzy of the Christmas season. Thank you for taking the time to share them with all of us in the monthly photo blogging challenge.

    I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. My thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with you and Entrepreneur.


  7. Lisa, I’ve just read your two most recent posts. No one ever wants to hear the C word. I wish you and your family didn’t have to. I’m glad to hear that your husband’s surgery went well and he was able to come home. I want to offer you words of hope and comfort, but I was never very good at that – knowing what to say in times of crisis. One of my favorite passages of Scripture is Psalm 139: 1-12. May you find comfort and strength in Him and His Word. My prayers are with you, your husband, and family.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. That last one is so sweet.

    P.S. I can’t believe you had to go through the entire hiring process at work after such a short absence. I’d like to be a little outraged on your behalf. And H.R. in a parking garage? I would expect to find it in the Admin Bldg.


  8. Lisa, my thoughts are with you and I hope you get some good news.

    On the side of the photos, I think you captured the season well and I hope you found a way or two to smile with the little ones and the brightness of the lights. Hopefully it helped ease your mind a tad.

    I wish you and your husband well and I hope you receive excellent news.


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