December month in pictures

December 2015

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.
~Edith Sitwell

December was a mixed bag of events and emotions. Peanut, her mama and I started the month off on a high note with an evening at the theatre to see The Nutcracker (bottom left). Tree trimming and house decorating was somewhat of a challenge with an almost two-year-old underfoot….everything is sooooo fascinating and must be touched and held (bottom right). Taking the ornaments out is always a nostalgic trip down memory lane for me. The photo in the top right of the collage is part of a set of six angels my family had when I was a child. My sister has three and I have three. I believe they are at least 40 years old by now, but I have no idea how old we were when our parents bought them.

The grandbabykins are changing before our eyes. Twix is no longer that unsteady toddler of last year. Almost two years old now, she is becoming quite verbal and extremely aware of everything around her. But, she still doesn’t ride in the car for long trips very well, and we’ve pushed our luck a few times with quick trips to Kansas City and Branson…and paid dearly.

About mid month, the smaller of The Golfer’s the two kitties (who live with us), Midget, developed serious breathing issues again. Earlier in the summer, I gave her regimens of antibiotics and a round of subcuticular IV solution injections for dehydration. The last ditch effort was steroids, which worked for a while. But she took a turn for the worse again, and we made the gut-wrenching decision to not put her through any more drugs or treatments. And I do mean gut. wrenching. decision…at least it was for me. Her sister, Bridget, didn’t come out from under the Christmas tree for about a week and still seems a bit lost.

santa and kidsAnd let’s not forget the Christmas shopping. Even when I thing I’m ahead of the game, it never fails that the last week before Christmas I find myself running around the stores like a crazy woman. Just once I’d like to be completely finished before Thanksgiving so I could actually enjoy the holidays, stress-shopping free. Peanut and Twix did make a trip to see the jolly elf. Twix was quite taken with him…from afar.

Did I get everything done to achieve that perfect Norman Rockwell Christmas? Not even close. The Christmas spirit eluded me most of the month for various reasons. I wish I could bring my expectations down a few notches so I don’t get disappointed when plans don’t go perfectly. But we did spend time with family on both sides, Santa did come, and we were reminded on Christmas Eve of the beautiful gift of grace that was given so many years ago.

All in all, the holidays were good. We have a lot to be thankful for, and I’m working on appreciating what I have in the here and now instead of thinking how things could/should be different. We had good food and our home was warmed with the laughter of children. We took comfort with the blessings of friends and family throughout the month and I really can’t ask for anything more.

I hope you all had wonderful holidays with treasured memories. I plan to put all my collages into one post soon, and am looking forward to seeing our year’s recap in photos. Hope you’ll share it with me.

Participating in A Month of Pictures over at Mona’s Picturesque.




6 thoughts on “December month in pictures

  1. The holidays certainly can be very hectic. My life got much easier a couple of years ago when the kids and I decided to stop exchanging physical gifts, but to consider our being together as one big gift. This year Kathryn and I exchanged a small present, and enjoyed our time together.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lisa, I am so sorry to hear about Midget. And trust me, I know how you felt because it was that way for me with own cat I had many years ago.

    BEAUTIFUL collage!

    Gosh, can you believe it’s already JANUARY!?!?

    Happy New Year, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My how quickly it seems the baby has grown. Time is flying for me even as I see other’s lives in the virtual world. 🙂 Seems you were just posting newborn photos. Such beautiful little girls. Christmas was very strange this year, and I seem to find I get more emotional than I use to, but it’s because all my children are way grown up adults with families that seem to have other plans vs spending time with parents in their 70’s. Hubby and I spent Christmas alone. I need to remember that for next year as it seemed to happen some last year, and make differen plans next year. I did enjoy my journey through Advent, which I’d never really done through Scripture before. I did always know the reason for the Season, but it was nice to actually dive into it all month. Amid all that, we had to tear out a chimney & fireplace that was in a refashioned garage made into what we called a rec room that the other owners had done. They didn’t put a footer in apparently and the chimney was pushing the wall out and eventually all the bricks would come tumbling down. Hopefully, the problem is solved, but we don’t know for sure. That expense we hadn’t counted on with what retirement funds we do have. We’re thinking with the pool table gone and the fireplace gone that it can become a garage again. Not sure I’ll do the collage for Mona’s as I didn’t take many fun photos during December. Love that you have that angel set from the parents. Well enough here, but I could go on and on. haha ~hugs ~ blessings ~ and Happy New Year. 🙂

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