An August calendar in September

Well, I did it again. Or, more accurately, I didn’t do it again. It was September 6th before I realized I had not done my monthly calendar. No surprise. It’s been a wild summer.


You might not know it by this calendar selection, but aside from our sitter services for Twix during work hours, the grand girls are not here much anymore. And it’s quiet in our house. Veeeeery quiet….especially after 5pm. It’s a strange feeling, and we’re slowly adjusting to our new routines.

I’m slowly regaining control over my house…one room at a time. The Recruiter is 99% moved out, but still has pockets of possessions that have not been relocated yet. Entrepreneur is already making noises about downsizing, but I need a few years of enjoying my space before I even consider making a change.

So, the garden is, for the most part, done for the year. The pool has been drained and the toys put away until next summer. I’m mapping out some landscaping changes to tackle when the temps cool a bit more. And I need to get back to walking 2-3 miles every day or so. My exercise routine took a back seat this past year…but the stress eating did not.

I hope your summer was enjoyable. Even though temps will tend to stay warm for another month, I’m sorta looking forward to some cooler days.



4 thoughts on “An August calendar in September

  1. Great collage, Lisa!

    “I’m sorta looking forward to some cooler days.”

    Meeeeeeeee too! I am so looking forward to Autumn weather. And even some Winter weather in a few months.

    I am so glad to say goodbye to summer this year because is was way too hot and humid.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have been terrible about my monthly calendars this year, so I gave up. Maybe next year. But I will do a Year in Review collage. That was fun last year, and I printed mine. I have a ledge in my new office they will look perfect on.


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