Thankful Thursday’s sunset

It’s Thankful Thursday and I’m late to Brian’s Linky party over at Brian’s Home. Today I’m thankful for sunsets. Most of my sunset shots are taken while on vacation but it’s not necessary to be in paradise to capture their beauty. Of course, it does help to have a sweeping view to work with. This one I snapped while we were driving to dinner in town.

Besides being Instagram-able, sunsets settle my mind….even if I’m riding in a car as it was in this case. The warmth of the colors always seem to drain the stress right out of me, if only for a short moment or two. Sunsets seem to bridge that space in time between the business of the day and the finality of the night. It’s a magical moment that passes quickly, so one needs to be paying attention.

Sunsets ground me. The transcendency and restorative feeling I get when witnessing a spectacular sunset makes me feel connected with nature and its Creator. And, that helps stir feelings of thankfulness and gratitude.

Some people love sunrises as a way to begin another day of opportunities. And, I have to admit, on the few occasions I’ve witnessed a spectacular sunrise, it did stir some excitement in me about the day. But then, it’s gone and the reality of responsibilities and expectations set in and all I feel is stressed.

So the next time you see a sunset, stop moving. Stop talking. Just breathe. You’ll be glad you did.

Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.
~Richie Norton

8 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday’s sunset

  1. WOW, Lisa, GORGEOUS capture!

    And I absolutely love what you said here, because it mirrors my own thoughts and feelings about sunsets…

    “Sunsets ground me. The transcendency and restorative feeling I get when witnessing a spectacular sunset makes me feel connected with nature and its Creator. And, that helps stir feelings of thankfulness and gratitude.”


    I enjoy sunrises too, but not nearly as much as when the sun sets.

    I have say, one of the things I liked about living in Florida were the sunsets because they are glorious. Particularly in Key West at the Southernmost Point.

    Thanks so much for sharing the beauty, my friend! Have a spectacular weekend! X

    Liked by 1 person

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