Hello Winter

Brian over at Brian’s Home hosts Thankful Thursday every week. Coming off the “thankful month” of November, I’m trying to look past all the things about life right now causing me to feel down during this holiday season. So, this photo was an exercise in gratitude for winter.

Those of you who know me know that, outside of the holidays in December, I’m not a huge fan of winter’s cold…unless I’m going to Mexico to escape it. But for the purposes of this exercise, I tried really hard to find things about the season that make me smile.

• Cozy sweaters and thick blankets. Couple those with a good book and a crackling fire and I’m all in.

• Feathery snowflakes and hot chocolate. I do love a good snowstorm….as long as it comes in about 3am and by morning rush hour, there’s no question no one is going anywhere. To look outside at the white landscape while sipping my hot chocolate (with Bailey’s) in fuzzy slippers is magical.

• Sparkle, shimmer and candlelight remind me of Christmas, which is always a bright spot during winter. Add in a cuddly kitty in my lap, cuddly dog on my feet and a glass of wine in my hand and hibernation isn’t so bad.

Winter can be a beast of a season with its icy winds and sub-freezing temperatures. But, it does hold a beauty of its own and helps me appreciate the warmth of the other seasons.

Someone who has weathered life’s “winters” with its bone-chilling cold that takes your breath away, but emerges with warmth about life is a treasure. The hard times of our “winter seasons” make us look inward for strength we didn’t know we had. To discover that deep glow in our heart and soul that shuts out the cold and darkness, and to have the opportunity to share that warmth with others, is pure goodness.

Linking up with Thankful Thursday. What are you thankful for today?

7 thoughts on “Hello Winter

  1. Being a HUGE winter-lover, I LOVED this post, Lisa!

    And I say, “YES!” to all the things you listed here about why I love Winter.

    Well done, my friend! Really enjoyed this. Have a warm and cozy weekend! X

    Liked by 1 person

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