What’s summer without tag?

What would summer be without a game of tag? Cyber-blog tag is back and making the rounds again. But, did it every really go away? I first got hit on Facebook a few years ago and then Jane caught me last year. Now, again when I wasn't looking, Carol at Wanderings of an Elusive Mind … Continue reading What’s summer without tag?

What's summer without tag?

What would summer be without a game of tag? Cyber-blog tag is back and making the rounds again. But, did it every really go away? I first got hit on Facebook a few years ago and then Jane caught me last year. Now, again when I wasn't looking, Carol at Wanderings of an Elusive Mind … Continue reading What's summer without tag?

Tag! You're it!

Theycallmejane is playing tag. She sneaked up on me when my guard was down and tackled me. Like Jane, I haven't played this game of chase since elementary school. That is, if you don't count the high school and college version...called dating. But that's probably a story saved for later. So, I'm tagged and now … Continue reading Tag! You're it!