Independence at a price

I picked up this post from a few years ago. I believe it's appropriate to repeat it on the day of America's decision to fight together as a country for our independence as well as for Thankful Thursday. July 4th is celebrated as Independence Day in the United States. As with independence of any sort, it was born … Continue reading Independence at a price

From sea to shining sea

July 4th is celebrated as Independence Day in the United States. As with independence of any sort, it was born out of conflict and ended in a revolution from the status quo. Since I've been short on time, most of the rest of this post is taken from one done in 2013, titled American Independence by the Numbers....with … Continue reading From sea to shining sea

Lincoln's logic

Texture by Kim Klassen: Luminous Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. ~Abraham Lincoln He was the 16th president of our nation, a Republican and, perhaps, the most beloved president of them all. He definitely ranks in the top five in terms of recognition … Continue reading Lincoln's logic


Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul. ~Michel de Montaigne The timing of Quotography's prompt for Courage couldn't be more perfect. Today is the federal observation for Veterans Day here in the states. Yesterday was the actual Veterans Day, but in order to give the banks and state/federal … Continue reading Courage