Tagged with a new twist

Leslie over at Coffee Pearls and Grace (don’t you just love that title?) tagged me with a game of tell-a-bunch-of-random-stuff-about-yourself. But, this game of tag has a little different twist from the others I’ve seen. You should definitely pop over and see her…after you read this first, of course.

If you could have one superpower what would it be?
Biological Manipulation. The ability to alter DNA and physical appearance could be great fun. Aside from changing my appearance to match my daily mood swings, I could also use it to heal any deformity, injury or disease. I can think of at least 5 people I’d use it on this minute.

Who is your style icon?
I don’t think I have a “style icon.” I’d like to think my style is determined by the situation. It can be fun, professional, young, hopefully never matronly, casual or chic. It’s from the chameleon school of fashion design.

What is your favorite quote?
Sitting in church doesn’t make me a Christian any more than sitting in the garage makes me a car.
~Billy Sunday.
I choose this because I’m sick of people chanting Christian morality and then turning around and saying/doing caustic things. I realize we all are works in progress, and life is very messy. But, seriously. The things some people do in the name of Christianity simply boggles my mind. I’ve come to believe there are damn few authentic Christians in the world today. I’d cite examples, but we don’t have enough time.

What is the best compliment you ever received?
The best compliment ever paid to me was when I was shopping for a baby gift for a friend. I asked Army Wife what was the best baby gift she got when Peanut was born. She said it was me. (I spend almost 3 weeks with them after Peanut was born helping, cleaning, cooking and…of course..holding the baby!) I almost cried.

What playlist/CD is in your CD player/playing right now?
No CD player but I have iTunes on most all the time at work. Playlist? Take your pick between 3+ gigs of: classic rock, classical, jazz, soft rock, Broadway showtunes (Phantom of the Opera and Chicago to name two), contemporary Christian, Latin guitar, Christmas music, Twisted Christmas muzak, the Beatles (of course) and  a few select podcasts.

Are you a night owl or morning person?
Definitely a night owl. Always have been. Getting out of bed before 9am is forced behavior. Unfortunately I have a job that required me to be coherent and productive at 8am. Yuck.

Do you prefer dogs or cats?
I love them both but if I must choose, it would be dogs. BIG dogs. Dogs that you can roll around on the floor without fear of them getting hurt. Dogs that knock you down when trying to sit in your lap. Yeah, those kind of dogs.

What is the meaning behind your blog name.
Peripheral Perceptions was created to record the observations of my life from different corners of my personality. Mainly, it’s a trip through my inner thought processes. Sometimes a very dark place, other times full of rainbows and butterflies.

Now, I’m tagging….(as she looks mischievously at her Google Reader list).….

Cheryl at Deckside Thoughts because she is witty, funny and…well, isn’t that enough?

Roger at Ramblin with Roger because he’s the nicest and most interesting deconstructed librarian I’ve ever “met.”

Army Wife at Peanut’s Mama because she’s a talented writer, and I think she’d make a great blogger. (No, I’m not partial b/c she’s my kid) She just needs a bit of prompting.

Jane at theycallmejane because she tagged me last year and I’ve yet to get revenge, return the favor. Seriously, you will love her.

Everyone else can breathe a collective sigh of relief now.

10 thoughts on “Tagged with a new twist

  1. Love the quote about the church. Yes, I’ve come across people who ‘go through the motions’ on a Sunday and yet behave quite badly for the rest of the week.


  2. I love your answers! I’m glad you enjoyed this one.

    I like your quote a lot. I heard a discussion today, actually, that revolved around the difference between “Christians” and “Believers.” The discussion addressed the idea that so many Christians are not actually believers; Belief propels an active RESPONSE to that belief, and so many Christians lead lives that provide no evidence of faith-based action. So I thought that was interesting.

    Oh, and thanks for mentioning me in your introduction! 🙂


    • Rose: I think it’s best to keep people guessing about style, don’t you?

      Angel: Unfortunately, that seems to be a common occurrence in all religions. Love the new gravitar!

      Cheryl: You won’t have any trouble with this one!

      Carol: I’m glad you like the quote. Hope I’m one that can do both.

      Leslie: The discussion sounds quite interesting. Response is definitely the key.

      Slam: Maybe I should have tagged you too! 🙂


  3. Rose: I think it’s best to keep people guessing about style, don’t you?

    Angel: Unfortunately, that seems to be a common occurrence in all religions. Love the new gravitar!

    Cheryl: You won’t have any trouble with this one!

    Carol: I’m glad you like the quote. Hope I’m one that can do both.

    Leslie: The discussion sounds quite interesting. Response is definitely the key.

    Slam: Maybe I should have tagged you too! 🙂


  4. you know that M. Gandhi was asked why he didn’t become a Christian, since he so admired the faith. He said something along the lines of “I might have become one, if I had ever met one.”
    Ouch! I SO understand.

    I’ll do this Sunday or Monday.


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