My 15 minutes of fame

Earlier this month I wrote a capricious little entry about Mojitos. It was a fun post to write and the only reason it developed was because I noticed my mint plant starting to wake up and proliferate like only mint can do.

So…mint = summer = pool = rum drink = Mojito! See how my mind works?

Shortly after, my capricious little entry started receiving comments at an unusual pace. Most of them not from the usual gang (Hi gang!). I thought to myself, “are that many people using Mojito as a search term?” Finally a comment mentioned the WordPress Freshly Pressed page. All in all, I estimate about 2200 visits in two days to that post based on WordPress’ blog stats.

I’ve popped over to Freshly Pressed from time to time, but am so busy with the usual blogs I love to read, I don’t check it often. I don’t normally care about such things, but was so excited, I had to triple check and pinch myself just to make sure it was actually true. Sometimes I think about what exactly a blogger had to write to get noticed on Freshly Pressed but never make it a point to write towards that goal. And then, out of the blue, there I was. Featured for a full 24 hours.

Thinking strictly objectively…and with no bias whatsoever ;), I thought a few of my other entries should have been contenders. They were thoughtful, poignant and full of human interest. But in the end, it was mint and Mojitos that made the cut.

Go figure.

Not that I’m ungrateful. I’m thrilled beyond words. But I think it may have awoken a needy little demon inside of me that will crave more recognition now. I won’t lie, there was a definite mental and emotional high as the view count rose. But deep down, that’s not what blogging is all about for me. Sure, I’d love to have thousands of subscriptions and views a day. But, I’m not “marketing” my site. I’m blessed to have a consistent number of bloggy friends that read and comment. I like the cyber-relationships I’m developing with them. I add to my inner circle as I run across new blogs that inspire me, make me laugh, make me think and want to take the time to be more than a hit and run reader.

Now go make a Mojito, enjoy a summer day/evening and I’ll see ya’ll here later!

16 thoughts on “My 15 minutes of fame

  1. I can just about imagine how you felt – because I felt dead chuffed (haven’t got a north American translation for that I’m afraid!!)seeing one of my bloggy friends on the Freshly Pressed – I wanted to leave a comment about it but there were so many I thought one more might have been one too many – but….apart from being so pleased for you reading that post made me…..want a mojito – and it is on the list for this weekends trip to the beach – so thankyou for the little (that became huge) mojito nudge!!


  2. you still have way more readers than I do, and I have three blogs. plus, you know how to make mojitos. plus you have two girls through college. you win : )


  3. You deserve the recognition. But it is a bit like a drug, isn’t it? My “big” day is absolutely nowhere near yours, and I’m certain my regular day is not – which doesn’t matter, because I blog because I love words and it satisfies a need for creativity. BUT. . . I must confess I also love it when someone enjoys what I’ve written. And more visits just makes me want more visits.
    So – who is it we are really writing for?


  4. I started off my blog thinking of it as a journal for myself- but after I got a few followers I felt the same pull- the need to be read. Not that it matters, it’s just a human trait that somehow we need to be recognized. I read your mojito post- and then promptlyn took out my blender. I finished the rum in the house though 😦


  5. I know what you mean – the temptation is to write to hit those heady heights again, but who knows what the recipe is? In the end, it’s being yourself that makes any blog good to read.

    I too was dead chuffed (yes, it means pleased!) to see you’d hit FP. 🙂


  6. I’ve found it strange which posts garner more attention (from my own posts). I have recently noticed that one of my posts I wrote probably a couple of months ago has been consistenly getting about 30 hits a day even though it was written about 2 months ago. I started trying to figure out why and apparently when anyone looks up skunk pictures and clicks on he picture of the skunk I used in the post (Poo Kitty Poo Car) my blog URL pops up! too funny!
    I read that post too and have wanted a mojito ever since!


  7. Pingback: My 15 minutes of fame (via peripheral perceptions) « Reactions of the Freshly Pressed

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