I’m a Versatile Blogger

I’ve had this award safely tucked away on a high shelf forever. Now, it’s time to get a ladder,  pull it out, dust it off and officially accept Peg’s kindness. Peg is a wonderful writer over at Square Peg in a Round Hole and will keep you entertained for hours with her stories, poems, prose and pictures. Thank you Peg for thinking of me for this, you are very sweet…although I think Versatile might just be another name for 1) she’s all over the board on topics and/or 2) she’s a stream-of-consciousness writer. Either way, I’m happy to post and pay it forward.

Since one must know the rules in order to break bend them, the “official” rules for The Versatile Blogger award are:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award

I’ve already taken care on #1 and made my apologies for keeping it sooooooo long.

For #2, I’ve shared about everything there is to share here, here, here and, most recently, here. If you wish to re-live the fun, feel free.

I must be a slacker because I haven’t discovered 15 new blogs lately, so I’ll bend the rules for #3 a bit more and pass to five I have discovered. “Discovered” is a loose term here as I’ve been reading them for a while, but consider them my “newer” reads.

Here’s some bloggy love to:

Luna’s Secrets: her stunning photography, coupled with her observations and analogies on life are great for the mind…and eyes.

Simply Said: a former student of mine, extremely talented writer and just all around cute. She embraces all things words.

Thoughts From a Brown Paper Bag Girl: She already has this award, but I wanted her to know how much I love her blog.

Banterings of a Basketcase: K’s eclectic mix of topics will keep you entertained, amused and wondering about life in general.

Wanderings of an Elusive Mind: Carol has babies, the four-legged kind, and they are adorable. She also writes about the two-legged kind, that are grown…and pretty much everything in between!

Ladies: Enjoy.

7 thoughts on “I’m a Versatile Blogger

  1. Thank you Lisa! I do think you cheated a bit, but must confess I’m considering doing the same thing. I’m not sure that I have seven more things to say about me.


  2. Pingback: Wanderings of an Elusive Mind » Blog Archive » You Probably Already Know Too Much About Me

  3. Lisa, thanks for the bloggy love. I consider myself spastic and ADD, but from now on, I’m calling it versatile! I’m feeling less than versatile in real life, running the teenager mom taxi, and my blog isn’t getting the attention it deserves. It will take me a while to figure out what to say about myself! Thanks for the kind words, and for your blog which is lovely.


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