Versatile Zombie Rabbit in Red Stilettos

I firmly believe this should be its own award, as Versatile Zombie Rabbit in Red Stilettos just about says it all. *All* as in this has sat in my drafts folder for entirely too long.

The Versatile Blogger
Rose over at World Outside My Window gave me this award eons ago and I’m embarrassed to admit I haven’t paid it forward yet. I thanked her for it at the time, but want to publicly thank her again for thinking of me. If you haven’t been to Rose’s place, make sure you stop by today. She has wonderful blogging tips and the is the founder of Blogger Talk Blogging Forum and Today’s Writing Community. She’s a busy lady but always appreciates comments. And she is great at reciprocating them too!

Rules for accepting the award are to share 7 things about myself and then pass this award along to some of my favorite bloggers. Technically it’s 15, but many on my list already have this award, so I’m passing to a few that I don’t think have received it. If I didn’t name you; and you don’t have it yet…and want it…please take it and run.

Seven things you may not know about me:

7. I love the Calvin and Hobbs comic strip. It brilliantly captures the funny moments of childhood/parenthood.
6. I think the smell of coffee is heavenly, but can’t stand the taste. My favorite hot drink is a chocolate chai.
5. Autumn is my favorite time of year.
4. I hate working in Excel. For me, it’s the 10th circle of hell.
3. I could spend days in Barns and Noble. Recently I went in for a $7 book. And $50 later……
2. Since LOST ended, I’m looking for a new cult show. Loved the series…right up until the series finale. Hated that one.
1. The first record I ever bought was the 45 rpm of Dizzy by Tommy Roe in 1969. The second one was Crimson and Clover by Tommy James and the Shondells. Mom thought something was wrong with the Crimson and Clover record when it got to the tremolo or *trembling* part…all you baby boomers know what I’m talking about.

The Most Creative Blogger
Another award that’s been sitting on the shelf is this adorable little red number that Jingle offered…again, eons ago. I love these kinds of awards because I don’t have to list anything or do anything other than simply pay it forward to others. Aside from being a shoe that my daughters would kill for, it’s one of the cutest awards out there. For those of you who know Jingle, it’s very *Jingle-ish* for sure!

I’m passing both of these to the following bloggers. They are free to take one or both of them.

Leslie at Coffee Pearls and Grace
Rose at World Outside My Window – obviously she already is a versatile blogger, so I’m hoping she will accept the other one.
L at Backseat Confessions
Cheryl at Deckside Thoughts
Jayne at AC’s Scrapbook
Andi at Transient Perspective

Zombie Rabbit Award
Finally, Roger at Ramblin with Roger passed the Zombie Rabbit Award to me, and just in time for Halloween!

I’m not sure of the source, but my guess is that this little gem originated in the zombie/horror/underworld genre of the blogosphere. But, no matter, it’s close to Halloween so we can have a little creepy fun.

With nothing required except to pass it on to other bloggers, my picks are…

Banterings of a Basketcase: because I’m sure she will want it. She’s Halloween-y like that.
Transient Perspective: because I know she will appreciate the dark humor.
Backseat Confessions: because she’s a Monty Python fan and also appreciates dark humor.
Jingle: because I think she will turn it into a great poem.
Slam Dunk: because some of the stuff he writes about borders on belonging in zombieland.

Thank you Rose, Jingle and Roger. It’s always gratifying when another blogger thinks enough of your site to give recognition. I enjoy each of your blogs and appreciate the time you take to comment on mine.

15 thoughts on “Versatile Zombie Rabbit in Red Stilettos

  1. Congratulations on all those awards and it’s a great idea to pay it forward. I’m so new in the blogging world and I’m still trying to find my way with regard to all that is out there. My posts won’t be as frequent but I do want to always write from my heart, from my own voice and hopefully in a way that is interesting for others to read as well. In any event, I appreciate reading yours so far. Rose is also someone I’ve become familiar with recently and I agree with all you said about her – she’s very nice as well!


  2. Oh my goodness, thank you! I feel so honored! I will certainly share this on my page, and I look forward to passing on these sweet awards! You are too kind! Thanks for thinking of me! 🙂


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