A life of rainbows and butterflies?

Texture by Kim Klassen; waterfront 7, 50% screen

Life Lessons from a Butterfly

Let go of the past
Trust the future
Come out of the cocoon
Ride the breeze
Savor the flowers
Put on your brightest colors
Let you beauty show

Summer has ended and we’re savoring the last remnants of the season. A few flowers are still hanging in there, but soon the nights will be getting too chilly. Recently, we took a short get-away trip to Branson and I was struck by how many butterflies were flitting around. Flower beds at a popular shopping area were covered in Monarchs and other winged friends taking advantage of the last of the nectar and early seed pods.

Watching butterflies is very relaxing, isn’t it? It seems like they don’t have a care in the world. Rainbows and butterflies is an expression to describe life that is easy, carefree and blessed. And taking time to watch these creatures seems to give a sense of peace and calm to our hectic days.

But when you really stop and think about it, life as a butterfly is about the farthest thing from easy and calm as it can be. What looks to be carefree drifting on the breeze is actually an everyday fight for life.

Caterpillars live to eat. And when they successfully avoid the many predators that can end their life, they encase themselves to begin the miracle of transformation. Completely liquifying their fat, bunchy body inside the cocoon, they emerge into a beautiful, delicate-winged miracle that can take to the sky minutes after its rebirth. But the fight continues. Birds, spiders, other predatory insects….as well as car grills and tires are a constant threat to survival every second of their life. Their only food source is temporary and they know they need to complete their mission soon. Urgency is the driving force behind every seemingly carefree butterfly.

And what about those rainbows? Beautiful color arches in the sky, they never appear on clear, bright, sunny days, do they? They only materialize after a period of dark clouds and storms. The birth of a rainbow is the result of chaotic conditions in nature that are sometimes extremely violent.

So maybe there are a few more lessons we can learn from those butterflies…and from rainbows as well.

Wishing you all a life of rainbows and butterflies….

Linking up with Texture Twist, Texture Tuesday and Life Through the Lens
texture-twist  Texture Tuesday Life through lens

19 thoughts on “A life of rainbows and butterflies?

  1. I truly enjoyed this post. I have a Swallowtail that comes to my yard every afternoon between 2PM and 4PM. I find it amazing since I know it’s not the same butterfly for many years. They have a very short lifespan. Nevertheless, I love seeing it.


  2. “So maybe there are a few more lessons we can learn from those butterflies…and from rainbows as well.”

    Lisa, I absolutely love your comparison of butterflies and rainbows reflecting life because you are so right! Butterflies are such amazing insects because for all the struggles they go through to survive, they are also such beautiful insects. So perhaps that’s the lesson they teach us – challenges can transform us into something beautiful!

    And this goes for rainbows as well.

    Great post, my friend! Thank you!


  3. Oh dear, I think I need to work more on letting go and relaxing. I too noticed a number of monarch butterflies flitting around this week and my thought was…”hmm, shouldn’t you already be on your yearly migration to Mexico?” I’m afraid that they have waited too long and will get caught in cold weather and never make it down…maybe it’s the mother in me that can’t look at a living creature without worrying about how the choices it makes will affect it’s chances of survival.


  4. Great food for thought you present, Lisa and your photo is lovely. This year is the first that I’ve seen any Monarch’s for a long time, and it was a delight to see them once again. They had been scarce the last few years.


  5. Yes, I think there are many lessons we could learn from rainbows and butterflies – and birds as well. I think of them sometimes as I sit in my warm dry house when the weather outside is dreadful, or even just a wee bit unpleasant.


  6. what an insightful post. I’d like to remember that. I have a pinterest board where I pin my quotography and my sisters. Do you object to me pinning your photo’s? Some people don’t like their work on pinterest.


  7. For some reason my first comment had issues, so I’ll try again 😉

    The highlight of my week was meeting you in real life. I look forward to our next meeting. And this post? It was a reaffirming post that joy is a choice even among trials and tribulations.

    Your picture is beautiful!!


  8. What a beautiful post. I once saw a meadow full of butterflies. It was so magnificent. I rarely see them anymore, although there are some cool moths where I live. This past week was a little stormy. Our 4-year-old grandson got pushed down on the playground and ended up having eye surgery. Thankfully, he is okay. I hope to see a rainbow soon – maybe when I finish my research paper 🙂


  9. Pingback: A Dragonfly Life | peripheral perceptions

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