August Photo Challenge: Black and White

photo blog challenge

Another month has flown by and here it is, time again for PJ’s photo challenge. This month’s prompt was Black and White. I love black and white photography and the depth of the tonality that can be seen in the absence of color. And while it was tempting to just take photos and turn them into black and white ones, I tried to mix those with some that were really black and white.

Black and White #1
Children and flowers. They go together perfectly when you have a camera in hand….provided you can successfully capture them just at the right moment.
Twix BW

Black and White #2
Ditto #1
Peanut BW

Black and White #3
The Recruiter has a Black and White kitty named Darby. And, yes, this shot captures her personality perfectly.

Black and White #4
This beauty was seen at an area butterfly palace. I rarely see true black and white butterflies.
BW Butterfly

Black and White #5
As I was considering my fifth photo, it suddenly dawned on me that the solution was right in front of my eyes….every. single. day. My kitchen countertop is quartz and definitely has black and white swirls.
Quartz counter 72
The muse said you can do better, so I pulled it into Photoshop and tried to make it look more like a texture.
Quartz counter lite 72
Then, the muse prompted me to find a photo and try it out. So I pulled one from our recent trip to Florida. This is the above texture used with a soft light filter.
Intracoastal wine72
I like the idea, but the texture is not exactly where I want it so I’ll keep tweaking it….in my spare time. Yeah, right. I really just said that to keep the muse happy.

Black and White Bonus
This black and white kitty is no longer with us. Midget passed to the Rainbow Bridge late last year. She was Darby’s sister, but not a twin. But I always thought she was a very pretty black and white cat….but if you rubbed her fur the opposite direction, she had calico coloring.

There’s my Black and White five for the month. Please take time to visit PJ’s place and see what inspired the others this month.

16 thoughts on “August Photo Challenge: Black and White

  1. Ohhhhh these are so wonderful. The first one melted my heart – so beautiful. You should frame that! And of course the kitty picture – you can’t go wrong with animals and kids!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. All your images are great and I like your interpretation of the theme. Darby looks lovely and so does midget. I like what you have done with the texture layered through your Florida trip. I’m curious to know if ‘the muse’ is an app?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ” I love black and white photography and the depth of the tonality that can be seen in the absence of color.”

    Me as well, Lisa….me as well!

    And these are just beautiful black and white photographs! The butterfly shot is stunning!

    Way to go! You did GREAT on this theme!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am late in catching up on the past two months … but these are great photos for the theme. Kids and black and white really do go well together, don’t they? And the other shots are excellent, too, but it’s always nice to see happy kids! Great job!


  5. Hi Lisa. Earlier comments already cover the beautiful photos of those beautiful girls and the kitties, so I thought I’d talk about the quartz countertop that’s well on it’s way to becoming a texture that you can use over and over in your photography. This is not something I’ve ever tried…is there an online resource that’s a good guide to how to do this? Do you have to use Photoshop to incorporate textures? I haven’t seen where it’s a function of Lightroom, which is what I mainly use. I really like this added dimension of creativity in your work.


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