Walk with me?

So, what is this thing called blogging and how does it work? Once again, I’ve been MIA for far too long. Life events the past few months feels like we’ve been drinking from a fire hose and I gotta tell you, we’re T.I.R.E.D. I’m slowly trying to get back into the swing of things here in the blogosphere.

But today, I’d like to stroll with you around the grounds and chat a while. Along with the stress the past few months, I’m becoming increasingly frustrated with world events. How about you? The election is looming and our choices are a narcissistic opportunist or a criminal so slick she seems to get a pass for very questionable activities. It’s really sad this is the best the two main parties can come up with for candidates. Where are all the “statesmen”? I’m extremely worried about the future of our country regardless of which one wins. The debates and non objective follow-up analysis from the media should be entertaining frustrating nauseating interesting.

morning glory

This? This is a Morning Glory. I saved some seeds from last year and threw them in a pot last spring. They took their own sweet time coming up but are going strong here at the end of summer. The cool blue color is refreshing against the 90+F temps.

Going back to politics for a moment…..I don’t understand why anyone would want to run for office in this day and age. It seems like as soon as someone announces their candidacy, the skeletons simply cannot fall out of the closet fast enough. And that’s all the media want to focus on. Let’s just ignore anything of substance….let’s focus on how much dirt can be uncovered,  how much mud can be slung, and what new, catchy, derogatory names can be adopted. And have you noticed, when a candidate has absolutely no plan, their focus becomes primarily on character assassination of their opponent?


The Rose of Sharons are completely out of control. For 15 years, one Rose of Sharon bush lived peacefully in a flower bed off the driveway with a cedar tree, perennial geraniums and day lilies. However, in the last few years, Sharon has started proliferating like a bunny. That bed is now almost completely covered with volunteer Rose of Sharon bushes, which would be okay except they are starting to grow into the cedar tree, and are crowding out the perennial geranium ground cover. But the bees and hummingbirds love them. This carpenter bee was so laden down with pollen, it was flying in slow motion.

A new semester has begun and I’m, once again, an instructor for Strategic Campaigns. This is the capstone course for students graduating in the strategic communications department. I have 17 students this semester who really have no idea how much work awaits them. And I can already see managing client expectations is going to be a problem.

rose of sharon

Twix is two and a half and continues to keep us on our toes with such phrases as, I can do it!; Let me do it!; Don’t help me! Her newly-found independent abilities is entertaining….and frustrating at the same time. Her problem-solving abilities are mind boggling. Every time I turn around, she’s carrying a chair somewhere in order to get to something that has been put (what we thought was) out of reach. And the complete sentences that come out of her mouth will make your head spin. She began a sentence the other day with, Actually…….


This little guy hitched a ride on Entrepreneur’s car and ended up relocating to our yard. I’m sure he found a smorgasbord to whet his appetite. I also have a toad that lives in  a couple of aloe vera plant pots. Mental note: check the pot before brining it inside for the winter.


So you might wonder what I’ve been doing that’s kept me away from you all for so long? Well, here’s part of the reason. The garden yielded 17 quarts of canned green beans, a mixture of quarts and pints of pickled beets, pickled okra and dilly beans. The corn, once we got it tied up after the rains, rewarded our effort with 10 quart jars of golden deliciousness in the freezer, plus we had more than enough for corn on the cob dinners. But, no bell peppers….which made me sad. On the other end of the spectrum, the okra is still going gangbusters and I swear one could stand and literally watch it grow. I’ve started giving it away as I have about ten, gallon bags frozen in the deep freeze already and two more gallon bags in the frig. I’m looking forward to putting that little plot of ground to rest for the year.

Are you looking forward to Autumn? I think I might be ready for it soon. I seem to be hearing the call of cute boots and cuddly sweaters from my closet.

lantana and chair

So, The Recruiter, Peanut and Twix are now officially moved into their newly-renovated home. Peanut started a new school and is less than thrilled about the situation. But, I’m hoping she will adapt, in time. Twix comes to our house during the weekdays while mom is at work and, mercifully, still takes naps. 🙂

So, that’s where I’ve been for many, many weeks. I’ve tried to stay active on Facebook, but that’s more like “hit and run” postings. Perhaps once it gets colder I’ll have more time to contemplate deep thoughts and put into words. I have a lot of those thoughts floating around in my head. But, for the foreseeable future, I think I’ll be living hand-to-mouth and trying to keep my head above the time commitment waters.

How was your summer?





9 thoughts on “Walk with me?

  1. My summer was very quiet. My days of children to care for have long-passed, as have my days of being a “working woman” – well, working outside home, anyway. These days, even working inside the home is kept to a minimum. Living alone allows a great deal of freedom to follow my whims and indulge my interests – perhaps too much sometimes. Before you realize it, those days will be here for you, and you’ll look back on these frantic times with fondness – and relief that there is a respite.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I keep telling myself there will come a day when I’d trade it all for all this craziness. I look at Twix and Peanut and try to capture them at this age forever in my mind. Thanks for always stopping by and leaving comments. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lisa, I know exactly what you mean about world events, and not only the presidential election, but also all the violence going on. In fact, I wrote about it in one of posts several weeks ago. I finally had to pull myself away from the media because it was just getting to me, and bad.

    Lovely photographs! I especially love the ones of the bee on the flower and the pray mantis…wow!

    ” canned green beans, a mixture of quarts and pints of pickled beets, pickled okra and dilly beans. ”

    To me, there is nothing more delicious than freshly canned veggies!

    My summer FLEW by. I cannot believe it’s already September!?!? I’m happy that Fall is coming though, because this summer was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hot and humid for me.

    Have a great rest of your week, my friend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I also find myself avoiding the media. But it’s like a train wreck….you don’t want to watch, but you can’t not look. Thanks for stopping by and not giving up on me!


  3. I truly miss you when you’re MIA, but oh, don’t I know how life can just take over. My goodness, with all of that canning, did you ever sleep??? You are amazing!

    I wish I had something positive to say about the election, but in all honesty, I am simply scared. Four years with either choice, in my opinion, is simply dangerous. I also find myself wondering what we will look like in the eyes of other countries. Yeah, don’t even want to go there.

    It sounds like Twix is a smart little one, and I am sure Peanut will adjust. Kids have amazing resiliency, and it’s so easy to make new friends at that age.

    It was so nice to see you pop up in my reader, and I am glad that all is well, even if it is very, very busy.

    See you the next time you are here. Til then my friend, take care, and find some time for you. xo.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Enjoyed reading your sharings. I miss the gardening of years past, but just cannot do it any longer. We considered it or at least the hubby did for a few minutes just before Spring. Our Summer was very busy as you probably know from one of my blog posts. I too am trying to get back to the blogging and not so much on Facebook…I’ve just lost some interest and respect for some things on there lately.
    Much agreement on the political situation. I worry for my children and their children and future children. Sad that we have no one to be proud of as candidates, and agree the bullying remarks are just not needed as much as some real information.
    The traveling Nurse and hubby (my son) have returned from California where they’ve been for the past almost 4 years. So this past week is interesting and fun with the youngest and only grand-daughter that is four that will stay with us for couple weeks until their housing is ready. They’ll now only be about an hour away for not sure how many weeks on this job.
    The grand-littlkins keeps me busy and laughing.
    Glad to see you’ll be here more often. Did not know you were a teacher. That is awesome.
    God Bless!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Peabea. it sounds like you’re in for a bit of an adjustment too. I’m happy your family will be closer, at least for a while. Love on those littlekins…they grow up so fast!


  5. Wow you have been busy, all that canning makes you feel good though. The political situation not so much. I have no idea who to vote for. I feel like if I vote for one of the independents my vote will be wasted but if I use my vote for one of the two primary candidates I’ll just be using it to vote against one not for the one I want. I’m with you–where are all the statesmen. Maybe they are too afraid to come forward because of the way the media slaughters their reputations. We are in a sad way. I think America is not as sad as the people who represent her though.


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