There are layers to Autumn’s beauty

Autumn is the eternal corrective. It is ripeness and color and a time of maturity; but it is also breadth, and depth, and distance.
~Hal Borland

November is here and the strangest thing has happened. In the course of just a few days, a coziness has settled in and everything just feels different. October is lovely, and the wildness of the autumnal colors peak about the third week here in middle Missouri. But now, watching the leaves fall like rain with the November wind, everything is becoming more subdued and a quietness is descending…much like when wisdom and maturity sets in after the wildness of youth.

November is the month we close our windows and begin to turn inward…to hearth and home….to focus on relationships….to take time to assess our lives and count our blessings. The force that drives us indoors is the same one that invites us to look inward at ourselves.

There is mystery in Autumn like no other season. Spring holds the excitement of rebirth, and summer is nothing but a scattered, free spirit. Winter is deceptive with its mirage of bleakness all the while harboring growth and anticipation underneath its white mantle.

But, there are layers to Autumn.

As we are drawn inside (physically and psychologically) during Autumn, we tap into our inner selves and in reflection…reflect outwardly on the year as well as inwardly in self-evaluation. And, that inward evaluation can lead to feelings of vulnerability as we asses our comfort zones and areas where a seasonal shift may be necessary. Outwardly, Autumn’s harvest has been brought inside and is neatly stored in the pantries and cellars for winter nourishment. Inwardly, Autumn is a time for us to nourish the soul by letting go of behaviors and mindsets that keep us from thriving, and focusing on priorities of the mind, body and spirit.

So put on that cozy sweater. Simmer a pot of soup. Walk in the brisk, cold air with the summer’s leaves crunching under your feet. Feel the warmth that stirs both body and soul.

Welcome November with its sweet reflections and rich blessing.

Playing Quotography along with Kelley
and with Lisa at Life Through the Lens

8 thoughts on “There are layers to Autumn’s beauty

  1. Lisa, as you know, I am a HUGE lover of Autumn, so this post and your words touched me deeply! I love the way described all the things that are so very special about this season. And you’re right, there are layers to Autumn!

    “So put on that cozy sweater. Simmer a pot of soup. Walk in the brisk, cold air with the summer’s leaves crunching under your feet. Feel the warmth that stirs both body and soul.”

    Yes, yes, yes! That is why I love this season!

    Thanks for sharing, my friend. Happy Autumn!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful post, Lisa. Truly, truly beautiful.
    And I feel much the same way right now.
    October left us questioning if autumn had really arrived at all, but as November appeared, there was no doubt. I now find myself thinking of the wonderful holidays ahead, and truly feeling very grateful.

    Happy day, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Autumn is flying by and, thankfully, the weather has been relatively nice. No snow in the foreseeable future, although Saturday night’s temps will be in the upper 20sF!


  3. Lovely scenery. I love the beginning of Fall, and even the end, but anymore not what follows unless it’s a warm evening snowfall with the big flakes. Cannot believe it is November already. So true on the moving inside. My windows are done (yep, I do windows but reluctantly, haha) and I even managed to get the blinds washed…do not like that job of venetian blind cleaning. I’m leaning toward making the cloth shades like I have in one room where you finish the blind with material.

    Liked by 1 person

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