Awwww Monday

May is only half finished and it seems like Spring lasted all of about 5 minutes. Now….judging by the Doodle’s response to the heat….it’s on to summer. He remembers how nice the AC vent feels on these hot days.

Annie’s Sparks is on hiatus for a while, but Sandee’s Awww Mondays are still kickin’ it every Monday over at Comedy Plus. Post a picture that makes you say Awww…and that’s it! How simple is that?



5 thoughts on “Awwww Monday

  1. “it seems like Spring lasted all of about 5 minutes.”

    Yup, you said it, Lisa, it’s been the same here – a 5 minute Spring.

    And like you, we have also been hit with very high temps the past two weeks. In fact, one day it rose to 95 degrees with very high humidity. OY VEY!

    LOVE the photos of Cabo and Doodles. ADORABLE!

    Stay cool, my friend 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I simply adore your furbaby. Seems he is saying Awe in the first photo. We had Spring for a bit too, then humid and hot, then rain. Seems anymore that we do head right into Summer. We’re fighting putting in the air conditioners because being cooped up all winter, but I know we’ll cave. Hubby’s breathing can’t take the hot when it gets really going. Cannot believe it is almost Memorial week-end. I want the months to slow down a bit. As I age, I need to enjoy every minute of every day. Not liking being in my 70’s at all.

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