Awww Monday: June 18, 2018

Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well. ~George R.R. Martin

Seems strange to talk about the end of summer when it’s only mid June. But, by this time next month, school supplies will be in the stores and Autumn decor will be everywhere…if not sooner.

Summer began with a bang as our oldest daughter got remarried (more pictures coming soon in a separate post). Originally set to be in their backyard, the day’s forecast was for rain and severe storms. So, it was relocated to the lower level of our house! And, in typical Mother Nature fashion, there was no rain during the day.

On the heels of that, our church’s version of vacation bible school on some serious steroids took another week. And, just because we hadn’t had enough fun, after that we took the grands on a mini vacay for a few days.

Peanut and Twix have now left for their summer visitation with their dad halfway across the country. I should breathe a sigh of relief for the break in child care responsibilities, but it’s always a bittersweet time. Entrepreneur and I need some down time to focus on us for a while.

Yes, time is flying by at warp speed….not willing to pause and allow anyone to savor the moments. All we can do is try and make the most of each day….whether child or adult!

Blog hopping with Sandee at Comedy Plus for Awww Monday.


4 thoughts on “Awww Monday: June 18, 2018

  1. Sounds like you’ve had a very full summer, despite the fact that technically summer is not even here yet. I can relate to the bitter sweetness of grandgirls being gone giving you “couple” time, which is very important, but leaving empty spaces at home.

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  2. Lisa, you are so right….time is flying by at warp speed. I can’t believe it’s nearly the end of June?!?!

    I so look forward to more photographs and hearing more about the wedding! So glad that the weather cooperated. Outside wedding can be tricky because you never if it will rain.

    Love the photos you shared. I especially love the first one of the kids jumping into the lake. Oh, what FUN!

    Hope Entrepreneur had a great Father’s Day!

    Have a fab week, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations to your daughter on her wedding, Lisa!! They are a beautiful couple.
    I am sure that having Peanut and Twix leave for the summer is difficult, but the break will be good too, I am sure. I don’t know how you manage to do all that you do!
    Enjoy every moment of your summer, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

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