Sweet cherished memories

About a year ago I offered to take newborn photos of my BFF’s first grand girl. The hospital’s photographer didn’t do a very good job and the new Mama was upset. Little did I realize I would completely fall in love with capturing this sweet girl’s first year of life. Family photographs are so important. They document time but also capture so much more. Seeing printed photos in a home can reinforce to a child they are important and not simply the latest social media posting designed to collect *likes*.

I would love to be able to do this more often. But, one thing is for certain…..this is work…and not for the faint hearted! When my BFF and I were finished with each session, we were exhausted!

Today, I wanted to share with you Miss D’s first year for Happy Tuesday and Pictorial Tuesday.

She was only a week or so old in this shot.

Four months was more of a challenge and her personality was beginning to show.

Summer’s outdoor session in August was fun and we discovered she moved really fast for being only 8 months old.

And finally, the year is complete with these photos of Miss D. On the verge of walking, she definitely has opinions about everything.

She was my guinea pig baby model and I believed I learned a lot about how to capture these types of memories. There were a lot of missed opportunities, but overall, I’m happy with how they marked the passing of time for this wee one.


7 thoughts on “Sweet cherished memories

  1. Lisa, you should be happy with how they marked the passing of time for this wee one, because they’re absolutely beautiful photographs. I love how you captured her sweet, bright eyes. OMG…she is ADORABLE! I especially love the one of her standing between the two tree trunks. Not only do I love her outfit, but the expression on her face is says so much!

    “They document time but also capture so much more. Seeing printed photos in a home can reinforce to a child they are important and not simply the latest social media posting designed to collect *likes*.”

    A-men! I miss the days when you actually held a photograph in your hands because it was “tactile.”

    Well done, my friend. And thanks so much for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You did an awesome job. Had no idea you did photo shoots. Would be fun, but understand a challenge. It helps also with such a precious model. Love the tootsie sticking out in the first photo. Baby’s feet are so cute. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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