Thankful for a health scare

The beginning of the year is always dedicated to getting health appointments squared away along with those “women issue” tests. Routine. Never had any serious issues. I’ve also come to take the yearly, routine blood work tests for granted. I read my test results and see the numbers in the normal range. Cholesterol is good and my risk for heart disease is low. Triglycerides are good. Heck, I even had my blood tested to make sure I still had immunity to measles.

And then, I got to this.

Whaaaat? My blood sugar has never been above the normal range.  My mind goes into mild panic mode as I rack my brain to try and remember if diabetes runs anywhere in my family history. Granted, it’s only 3 points above the upper limit, but that’s higher than it’s ever been. And this was after 10 hours of fasting.

Pre-diabetes. What does that mean? Sure, I stress eat, but that’s nothing new. But one thing is for sure….I thought it would be better to get ahead of this right now. So, to Google I went for reasons why blood sugar may be high.

Sugar-sweetened drinks: Outside of the very occasional sweet tea…nope.
Trans fats and packaged snack foods: I may indulge from time to time on crackers and granola bars but, again, not frequently. Do M&Ms count? 🙂
White bread, pasta and rice: I’ve cut out a lot of white bread and rice over the years; guilty of pasta.
Fruit-flavored yogurt: Once a week in a smoothie. Will switch to something else.
Sweetened breakfast cereals: Nope.
Flavored coffee drinks: Nope.
Honey: Guilty….ever day.
Dried fruit: I love dried cranberries on salad. Guess I’ll cut back on those.
Fruit juice: Nope.
French fries: Rarely.

I didn’t think there was an over abundance of these items in my normal diet. Still, this was concerning to me since it’s imperative I stay healthy in light of Entrepreneur’s diagnosis.

My physician sent me for another test called an A1C that measures blood sugar over a three month range. Not gonna lie…I was a little on the terrified side. I’d already stripped out most of the above (except honey) of my diet for the past few days.

Whew……..within normal range. A relief for sure. The results came in on my birthday, so that was a nice present.

What this has done is make me super conscious of what I’ve been putting into my body. As a woman of a “certain age,” I know I cannot eat like I did when I was 20-something. But, I admit, I’ve been lazy about nutrition…thinking that because I don’t sit on the couch eating potato chips and drinking soda all day, I have nothing to worry about.

So, today I’m thankful for that glucose test that slapped me upside the head and got my attention.

Linking up with Thankful Thursday over at Brian’s Home.


5 thoughts on “Thankful for a health scare

  1. Yes, it does make you wonder. The Dad just had his and his glucose was high (he loves chocolate) but his A1C was normal too. We’re glad you’re was okay too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

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  2. I may have told you this, but about a year ago or maybe a little more, I went to a primarily plant-based diet – I eat meat rarely, although every once in awhile a hamburger sounds really good to me. I’ve seen results – blood pressure down so I’ve been able to get off that medication, and I’ve had more energy. My main goal is to avoid preservatives – processed foods are to be avoided. Good go for you! And I think honey is better than sugar. I do eat a lot of brown rice and beans – but I buy dried beans – the instant pot is a real bonus for them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lisa, my father had a very mild case of diabetes as he got older, but no one else in my family. Still, I’ve always been cautious myself. But like you….I LOVE pasta. OMG…I love it so much! Also, cheese is my weakness. LOVE it! 🙂

    Happy to read that your A1C test came back normal. Whew!

    I know what you mean, because I was the same in my younger years…ate whatever I wanted. But over the years, I’ve gotten much more conscious about food. I don’t eat meat or sweet things anymore, simply because I became uninterested in them. I no longer even think of them. I primarily eat Mediterranean food, minus any meat or fish.

    Have a great weekend, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

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