December Photo Challenge: Have a Merry……

Here it is the end of December and 2023 and PJ’s prompt was Have a Very Merry…..In our house, the phrase is finished with Christmas.  But sometimes Christmas merriment is hard to come by and can feel like its joy is forced. Unfortunately, that happened to me this year. It was kinda like the song that begins, Where are you Christmas, why can’t I find you…... Much of my month was searching for the warm and fuzzy feelings of the Christmas season. Part of it might be we said goodbye to Bridget, our 18 year old kitty on Dec. 1st. Some of it might be related to my last post. 

But I did take pics this month, merry attitude or not. Most of the time, I found my un-merriment was confined to times when I was alone with my thoughts. But no one really picked up on it, and that’s perfectly okay.

Merry 1
Every year Peanut and Twix take turns putting the angel on the top of the Christmas tree before the ornaments go on it. And, believe me, they remember when it’s “their year.” This year it was Twix’s turn. She’s too big now for Papa to lift her up but just tall enough to reach while standing tippy toe on a little step ladder.

Merry 2
In my search for merry, I did take a trip with ’85 and Twix outside of town to Warm Springs Ranch where the Budweiser Clydesdales are raised and trained. Decorated for Christmas, it was a lovely site and a very enjoyable time with them. Entrepreneur, Twix and I also drove through a light display in town sponsored by Veterans United insurance company. Both trips helped lift my merry for a while. How can you not enjoy Christmas lights?

Merry 3
For seven years, I’ve take “Santa hat” pics of the grands.  At 15, Peanut was much more agreeable this time around than the past couple years. They actually look like they like each other, don’t they?

Merry 4
The day after Thanksgiving, all sorts of merriment comes out of the storage boxes. I’m an avid Santa collector and this is just one of probably 50 I have in all shapes, sizes and styles. For me, Santa…in all his versions….personifies the joy of giving without expecting anything in return.

Merry 5
For the past few years, Twix has wanted to sleep under the Christmas tree when she’s at our house. And who am I to say no? Especially when I can get sweet shots like this one. I know these times will come to an end in a few years when she hits those teenage years.

Merry Bonus
Marking the passing of years is done in many ways. Ours is taking our positions with whoever is present in front of the fireplace to commemorate another year. This year, to add to the merriment of Christmas was an interloper—Peanut’s….dare I say it….significant distraction {aka: boyfriend}.

I hope everyone had a merry month. Please pop over to PJ’s around  the first of next month and see what December merriment happened with others around the world. Why not join us for 2024? It’s easy—take five pics related to the prompt and post. What could possibly be easier?

For all of you, may your holidays be bright and your cocoa hot this Christmas season. 

9 thoughts on “December Photo Challenge: Have a Merry……

  1. I can totally get the trying to find merry. I feel like this year was a little better for me. Harper helps, of course. But the season seems to go so fast. I say every year to try and slow down.. and I never do and I think that hurts with my merry feeling at times!

    A great set of photos for the month though!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sometimes being merry is easier said than done, right? I can relate.
    Your activities, according to the lovely pictures, did a good job though.
    The trip to Warm Springs Ranch sounds very nice, and sleeping underneath the Christmas tree? Maybe next season you should join Twix?
    Hahahaha, “Peanut’s significant distraction”, am I right in assuming that you don’t expect to see him again in the 2024 family Christmas photo?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. From reading this post and the previous one (2023 Word = Purpose), I commend you on finding some merry despite the challenges. I can particularly relate to wondering what’s the purpose of someone close to you struggling with mental ill health. Even when they are receiving the best possible care, including medication and therapy, it makes you feel pretty helpless because there’s no “cure” the way there is for most physical ailments. You can’t help but want to take the burden yourself. It’s a lot to process, especially if mental ill health isn’t something you’ve had much experience with in the past. You will find your way through. Between prayer, maybe therapy yourself, meditation, journaling, reading to educate yourself a little more, music, friendships, etc., you’ll find your merry again. And hopefully your family member does, too. Wishing and your lovely and photogenic family a very good 2024.

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