March Photo Challenge: Eleven

Welp, I missed last month’s photo challenge due to our winter vacation from February 22-March 2, and came down with the flu in record time on March 3rd, which knocked out an entire week. And…..I even had a flue shot this year! But, here at the end of March, things are better as I attempt PJ’s prompt of Eleven…to commemorate eleven years of this Photo Challenge!.

This is the math edition of Eleven.

Eleven 1: (11×2)+ 5
It’s been exactly 27 months since ’87 and the rest of us experienced the sadness of an ectopic pregnancy, resulting in a miscarriage and removal of a fallopian tube. This month we received a package shipped from Jax Beach that containing a candle and a book. After my eyes stopped leaking and I called her, she sent me their first baby picture. They are very relieved the baby is in the correct place and there is a heartbeat. We get to meet our newest grandchild around November 12th. Apparently, the ob/gyn can tell which ovary released the egg and it was the one above the removed fallopian tube. That little bugger traveled through her body, across to the other tube, found its way inside and down to the right place! The human body is amazing.

Eleven 2: 11+1
The day before we left Cancun (March 1), Twix got the traditional Mayan braids. There are 11+1 rows of braids in her hair.

Eleven 3: 11-1
Twix is 11-1….or 10 years old and is a member of her school’s 4th and 5th grade Quiz Bowl team. Her team traveled to their first Quiz Bowl tournament where the school’s two elementary school teams competed against other elementary schools….mainly for practice and fun in preparation for joining the middle school team.

Eleven 4: 11-4
Cabo’s birthday was March 26th and he turned 11-4 years old…..or seven! I’m not sure how we got so fortunate to get a dog that likes to sleep in and doesn’t steal socks, shoes, toys or other items from the rooms. Outside from the unfortunate corn cob incident and his passion for erasers, he’s pretty perfect!

Eleven 5: 11+69
Here are eleven of the 80 Easter eggs that will be hidden for the grand’s Easter egg hunt tomorrow. Filled with coins and candy….and one $10 bill each….they’ll be hidden around the house since our forecast may be soggy. They each are to find 40 eggs.  I also hide their Easter baskets and they have to go hunting for them too.

Those are my five for March’s Eleven. I hope you enjoyed them. Be sure to stop by PJ’s around the first of April to see what others came up with for the prompt.

7 thoughts on “March Photo Challenge: Eleven

  1. Hi Lisa, we missed you last month, so it’s great to see you back this month. I hope you are fully recovered from the flu.

    As a numbers person, I really enjoyed your math take on eleven. Once again, your precious people photos remind me that I take too many landscapes and not enough portraits. Thanks for prompting me to continue to strive. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great take on the theme this month! And a lot going on! That photo of Cabo is great! Congrats on the grandkid coming! And curious on the egg hunt. Is it a free for all, or do they know what they are looking for that is for them? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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