Awesome Bloggers

Cheryl, at Deckside Thoughts, was kind enough to mention me in her Mom’s Day post. She is awesome and if you haven’t discovered her, go there as soon as you are finished here. Her very dry, sarcastic wit makes me laugh on a regular basis.

Anyway, she gifted some *mom* bloggers with this adorable puppy who doesn’t have to be fed, bathed, brushed, walked or potty trained. And I’m going to do the same. The ladies below are fantastic women, juggling careers and crazy schedules…as well as being moms. They’ve taken time over the past year to comment on my blog or go out of their way to email me more lengthy notes. Some are even my friends on the ultimate social validation…Facebook. A few I actually get to talk to in person…an added bonus! They’re scattered across the globe, but hey, in the blogosphere it’s a small, small world (cue relevant Disney song).

So, to these ladies (in no particular order) I say, You’re Awesome!
Some of you don’t accept awards, but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate the time you spend writing and commenting.

Daily Plate of Crazy

Wanderings of an Elusive Mind

My Little Blog

AC’s Scrapbook

My Inner Spirit

Backseat Confessions

Kim’s Tour of No Regrets

Lisa Gordon Photography

They Call Me Jane

Luna Secrets

The Water Witch’s Daughter

Square Peg in a Round Hole

World Outside My Window

Banterings of a Basketcase

And, of course, Cheryl at Deckside Thoughts

And two more…

Roger at Ramblin with Roger
and Slam Dunk
Yes, in know they’re not women…or moms.
But they are awesome dads.
And leave nice comments too.

It’s my gift to give, so I can do whatever I want with it.


19 thoughts on “Awesome Bloggers

  1. “the ultimate social validation…Facebook!” – you crack me up!

    And you make me blush by including me in this AWESOME list! I regularly read (well, as regularly as I’ve been able to in my crazy life lately!) many on your list and I’m honored to share in their company.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!


  2. Awww… I am so flattered and honored. I am honored that you considered my for your list and honored to be listed among the bloggers that you listed. That is so awesome! Thank you SO much!


  3. Aw, thank you Lisa. I often feel I’m less than a stellar friend with not nearly enough visits to everyone so I’m really touched to be included here. Thank you!


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