Seeing eye to eye

spring babies72
Texture by Nancy Clayes: nc_0331

Spring’s greatest joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out.
~Edgar Guest

They looked deep into each other’s eyes and exchanged a timid curiosity. Slowly, little fingers reached out to touch the soft muzzle, which leaned forward to oblige. I wonder what went through each young mind during their initial encounter.

Yes, despite Old Man Winter’s latest attempt to postpone spring, there are just some things that can’t wait. And new babies at the horse farm across the road is one of them. There’s only one so far, but I’m hoping more will arrive soon. There are usually three or four each year.

foal 2013

This year, Peanut is old enough to enjoy the interaction, and I’m sure we’ll be visiting again soon.

peanut-foal 2013

Linking up with Tuesday Muse
Tuesday Muse

7 thoughts on “Seeing eye to eye

  1. “They looked deep into each other’s eyes and exchanged a timid curiosity. Slowly, little fin­gers reached out to touch the soft muzzle, which leaned for­ward to oblige. I wonder what went through each young mind during their ini­tial encounter.”

    OMG..I LOVE that, Lisa!

    And it’s funny because you can actually see them communicating just from their body language and eyes.

    What precious photos! Love that last one, especially!

    Have a terrific Tuesday, Lisa!



  2. Foals are such a blessing. We have a horse and board him at a local stable (I wish it were right across the street!) – a new foal was born there a couple weeks ago. His fur is so soft, I’m sure just as your Peanut experienced!


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