Quotography: Faith

miracles-faith quote72Miracles are not a contradiction of nature.
They are only in contradiction of what we know of nature.
~St. Augustine.

My Whisperings’ Quotography prompt today is Faith. And now that Spring has officially arrived (by the ushering in of tornado season), Middle Missouri is finally waking up. It was a looonnngggg winter, and temps later this week might still dip to the freezing mark. But most of the trees and flowers are showing signs of life.

And that’s always a miracle to me.

I know, I know…it’s not a real miracle since we know the hows and whys of plants beginning their growing cycles when the weather warms. But it’s always amazing to me when I see little green promises peeking out of the ground or on the branches of the trees and bushes. It’s like they just know when it’s time to wake up again. My weeping willow tree is one of those amazements. For months it looks like a horribly tangled head of hair with all those thin, wispy branches, intermingled with each other. Then, all of a sudden, I look and there’s tiny, feathery leaves again.

And it occurs to me that, as much as we know about the laws that govern our world, it’s a certainty there’s an equal amount of knowledge in this life that is hidden from us….so in the meantime we call them miracles.

But someday, all our questions will be answered.

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
~1 Corinthians 13:12

4 thoughts on “Quotography: Faith

  1. What a faaaaaaaaaaabulous post, Lisa!

    Love, love, love your photo with quote! That is one awesome photo!

    ” But it’s always amazing to me when I see little green promises peeking out of the ground or on the branches of the trees and bushes. It’s like they just know when it’s time to wake up again.”

    I agree! That is a miracle.

    I’m a great believer in faith and miracles because I’ve experienced them.

    Have a wonderful Monday and week, my friend!



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