The (where did summer go) September collage

September 2015-72

Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise
would have high tide always and full moon every night;
and thus he would never know the rhythms that are at the heart of life.
~Hal Borland

I know….technically…..September is part of the autumn season, but here in Middle Missouri it’s quite common for September temps to be in the 80sF. So, September does double duty as summer and autumn.

September brought a mixed bag of events and emotions. Peanut and Entrepreneur celebrated birthdays. We took a quick trip to Branson to celebrate. A family reunion was cause to get together and catch up with relatives. One relative graciously gave me some of her genealogy info on the family so I’ll be losing days updating all my family tree files….probably when the snow flies and I’m stuck in the house.

Peanut is trying to master the roller skates she received for her birthday. First grade is going well…as well as expected since she has to rise at 6am to be ready to catch the bus at 7:15am! She’s met a few new friends in the neighborhood and has her besties at school. Her reading is coming along nicely…when she can sit still long enough. All in all, she is adjusting well to the changes in her life.

Twix discovered the joy of sidewalk chalk and is the epitome of perpetual motion at 20 months. She can successfully open the pantry door (even with a child lock) and brings me all sorts of goodies. Her words are coming fast and furious and she watches us do ev.ery.thing….and then wants to try it herself. She just may be smarter than her sister….which is quite an accomplishment as well as being absolutely terrifying. She adores her big sister and walks around the house calling for her when she isn’t around.

On the flip side, our beloved Tanner died unexpectedly mid-month. I still cannot really talk about it without losing it tearing up. I see him everywhere. when I drive into the driveway he’s waiting; when I’m on the patio he’s laying at my feet; when I eat popcorn he’s there begging to catch one in his mouth. Even when I dry my hair I remember how I used to leash him beside me when he was a puppy so he’d get used to loud sounds. Some days I think about taking a walk but can’t find the motivation to go alone.

The super, blood moon total lunar eclipse was observed and properly documented digitally. I tried to get Peanut interested in the celestial event, but she was fading fast and was more interested in her bedtime storybook. Perhaps in 18 years when it happens again, she’ll better appreciate it.

Linking up with Mona’s Picturesque month in photos collage and Lisa Kerner’s LTTL.

5 thoughts on “The (where did summer go) September collage

  1. It takes time, sweet friend. It just takes time, and there is no easy way to get through it.

    It sounds like the little ones are doing beautifully. It’s hard to believe that Twix is 20 moths old already. Time indeed goes all too fast.


  2. Hi there! So sorry I haven’t had the time to visit you earlier 😦
    But I’m here now to take a good look at your September. Looks beautiful!
    And it’s about time to put together October collage 😉 Hope you’ll join me…


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