June Photo Challenge: Baseball

photo blog challenge

Here we are again with PJ’s photo blogging challenge. June’s prompt was baseball….since PJ is a huge baseball fan! Unfortunately, I’m not a huge baseball fan, so this was a bit of a head-scratching exercise for me. On a side note, I like movies about baseball….Bull Duram, The Natural, A League of Their Own, Major League 1, Field of Dreams, Angels in the Outfield etc. ….but to sit at a baseball game is not my idea of a great time.

The caveat to the above statement is when one of our hometown teams is in the World Series playoffs or final games; then, I’m all in.

Since this prompt was difficult for me, and the month (like the last two) got away from me, I only got four shots. My apologies, but it’s the best I could do.

Baseball #1
This shot is an unconventional take on the game; an improvised game with a pool noodle and beach ball.pool baseball

Baseball #2
The Dollar Store is a plethora of items and a couple of them proved helpful for this month’s challenge. Probably not the highest quality balls or bases, but then what do you expect for $1?
dollar store

Baseball #3
A couple years ago, we bought The Recruiter a new purse. Her requested pattern. Her sister, The Golfer, has a matching one in a Cardinals motif.
royals purse

Baseball #4 and  possibly #5
While I don’t religiously follow our state’s baseball teams, I do get updates on my phone on their games. Since I live smack in the middle of the state of Missouri, I can claim both the Royals and the Cardinals as my team. Since these were two screen shots, I’m counting them as two entries….oh yes, I can. 🙂
team updates

And that’s the end of the inning. Swing on over to PJ’s for more June baseball-related photos.

8 thoughts on “June Photo Challenge: Baseball

  1. I also am not a huge baseball fan, but will watch the playoffs and World Series sometimes. Games are best-watched on TV I think, so I can do something else at the same time. I think all your photos work just perfectly.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lisa, not being a big baseball (or even a sports fan) I think you did an AWESOME job in this theme! And btw, I loved the movie, Field of Dreams!

    Hope all is well, my friend. Wishing you and your family a Happy 4th of July weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve never seen a baseball game so I think your picture choices were great. As for movies it’s a toss up between Bull Durham and A League of Their Own as to my favourite baseball film.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like the improvisation going on with your shots, especially the first one with peanut and a beachball. Elements of baseball are everywhere in the usa and I can see its such a big part of American life whether you like baseball or not.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Another witty and creative post for the photo blogging challenge! That purse is pretty hard core. I love the dollar store baseball stuff. I claim the Giants and the A’s; it’s pretty tough to be a fan of both because I end up practically living at the baseball stadiums in the summer. But luckily there isn’t much rivalry between the two unless they end up in the World Series against each other again.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Another creative take on one of the most challenging themes PJ’s every put to us…and the second time around, at that. Love the pool noodle and beachball take on the sport. Looks fun!


  7. Baseball is a magical sport when one grasps it. But alas, even I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea! I always found that people tend to like it more when they attend with someone passionate about the game. At the same time, that can backfire. With all that being said, I think you did a good job on this month’s theme capturing things. I like that first picture best as it shows a fun interpretation of things! 😀


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