Photo Blogging Challenge: Look Up




Here we are again with PJ’s Photo Blogging Challenge. Where do the months go? This month’s prompt was Look Up. Bloggers from all over participate by taking photos with the month’s theme in mind and posting them at the end of the month. I tried to take a little different, less literal approach this time. Enjoy.

#1 Look Up….
Early in the month, our grand-niece was baptized in her Mama’s baptismal gown. You could say we all Looked Up to God for extending his grace to this wee one and sealing her with his covenant.

#2. Look Up….
Our nephew graduated from high school this month and his future is Looking Up.

#3. Look Up….
When you’re a puppy, Looking Up is the norm. This is Cooper, a nephew’s Australian Shepherd pupper looking up from the ground.

#4. Look Up…..
We were told Peanut would receive an award at her end-of-the-year school assembly. As we were sitting through all the awards, listening for her name that was not being called, I began to get a little worried there’d been some sort of mistake. But there was no mistake. Her name was called for the last award, The Glory of Missouri proclamation from the Missouri State House of Representatives. The Glory of Missouri is awarded to 14 students in participating schools, each student representing one of the 14 virtues displayed in the house chamber; Knowledge, Liberty, Equality, Law, Justice, Fraternity, Education, Progress, Honor, Truth, Virtue, Temperance, Enterprise, and Charity. Peanut’s award was for Knowledge. She may be someone to Look Up to in the future!

#5. Look Up….
It was a fun challenge this month and I hope you enjoyed my take on “Look Up.” I’ll leave you with the goldfinches we’ll be Looking Up at in the sky…after they finish emptying the bird feeder.

Be sure to Look Up the other photo challenge entries over at A ‘lil HooHaa.

9 thoughts on “Photo Blogging Challenge: Look Up

  1. AWESOME selection of photographs for this theme, Lisa! Well done!

    The first one of the baptism is so precious! And the final one of the goldfinches is outstanding! Great capture!

    And congrats again to Peanut for her award! I know that you and your family must be so very proud!

    Have a super weekend, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Important themes and well captured subjects, Lisa. Can’t beat faith, family, knowledge, and nature. You caught the personalities of your subjects very well.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lisa, I luv, luv, luv your photos this month. The pink frame around the baptism photo is the perfect finishing touch. And I like the original interpretation wrt your nephew and Peanut. As for the pup, super cute – I can just imaging his whole body wiggling and waggling with excitement.


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