August Photo Challenge: Summer Fun

I think PJ threw us all a bone this month with his prompt of Summer Fun. The only problem I had this month was whittling down the photos to only five! So what did I do? Well, some would call it cheating. I call it being resourceful.

With Peanut and Twix back from Alabama, we worked on packing in as much summer fun as possible before school began mid-month. I’m always astounded when school begins mid-August. Just doesn’t seem right.

But, anyway, here are the five I chose to share with you for August’s Summer Fun.

Summer Fun #1

Twix turned into a water bug this summer…and is working on her tree-climbing skills. What? Doesn’t every girl climb trees in a skirt?

Summer Fun #2

August began Cabo’s Walk/Heel 101 classes. I’m happy to say at 5 months old he can walk two miles before he is totally distracted. Heeling is more of a challenge, but he’s starting to get it. It’s going to be nice to have a walking buddy again.

Summer Fun #3
You would think after those two-mile walks, Cabo would be exhausted but Noooooooo. He can come home and play like he’s slept all day. Fetching the ball is a favorite any time of day. And, his Golden Retriever roots show every time water is present. Yes, that is HIS baby pool. 🙂

Summer Fun #4

Peanut is a vociferous reader and summer vacation is no exception. She does take a few breaks, but her love of books is only rivaled by her Nana.

Summer Fun #5

If you were in the path of totality, all eyes were on the heavens August 21st for the eclipse. Peanut watched it at school, but Twix, Entrepreneur and I hung out in the backyard to experience the event. I’m not sure how much Twix will remember, but she thought her eclipse mask made from a paper plate with a pair of eclipse glasses taped to it was pretty cool.

August is now ending and pumpkin spice everything is just around the corner. Our weather feels more like late September than late August with cool nights and below-normal temps during the days. Please stop by PJ’s place to enjoy some more summer fun before it’s all gone.


12 thoughts on “August Photo Challenge: Summer Fun

  1. So much summer fun – young ones just make it more fun, don’t they? Our end of August is the opposite of yours, warmer than normal days and nights – with temps in the 80s instead of 90s only because the wildfire smoke in the air blocks some of the sun’s heat.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great photos!

    I have always been an avid reader and remember a librarian not believing me the summer in middle school I read over 100 books. She tried quizzing me on the plots, but I knew them all because I had read them that summer.

    Cabo is adorable!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. WONDERFUL selection of photographs for this challenge, Lisa! Well done!

    OMG…the second photo down of Cabo made me smile from ear to ear. He is probably THE MOST cutest dog I’ve EVER seen. I don’t how you can restrain yourself from wanting to HUG him constantly. Not only his fur, but his face is beyond precious!

    “I’m not sure how much Twix will remember, but she thought her eclipse mask made from a paper plate with a pair of eclipse glasses taped to it was pretty cool.

    That is SO COOL!

    Isn’t is something how September is already here? I’m so excited because we’re now moving into my favorite season’s – Autumn and Winter!

    *doing the happy dance*

    Have a great rest of your week, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cabo wasn’t so cute when I come home and found he’d uprooted all the mums I’d planted on the patio! He was a dirty, devil dog….but still cute so I couldn’t be mad too long. 🙂


  4. I so enjoyed your photos and descriptions that I’m not even going to add up what you managed to do with your inventiveness….and for someone who’s kind of obsessed with numbers and counting, that’s saying something. Your photo of Peanut reading fired up my memory neurons. I used to read every spare minute of every day. I guess I still do, but somehow it’s more Facebook/Twitter/Instagram than it is books. My fault and I can absolutely do something about that. And those Cabo pictures…sigh!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a great set of photos for summer fun! Great to know Peanut is a reader! I need to get reading more as well. I remember as a kid going to the library and getting books all the time. Great set of images as always!


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