Sparks and Awwww Monday

“That’s your solution? Have a cookie?” Astrid asked.
“No, my solution is to run down to the beach and hide out until this is all over,” Sam said. “But a cookie never hurts.”
~Micael Grant, Gone

Wow, I can’t believe I’ve missed so many weeks here at Sparks and Awww Monday. And, I’m not happy about it.

I read somewhere that it takes almost 25 minutes to get completely refocused on a task after an interruption. And, my days seem to be nothing but interruptions. So, I suppose it’s no wonder I feel this way.

I’m fragmented. I’m scattered. I’m drowning in adulting. I need to hide out at the beach….with a cookie. Who wants to join me? 🙂 There’s only one stipulation. No adulting allowed.

And, here’s one for Awwww  Monday, just because he’s so darn cute.

So, my apologies for not making the rounds these past few weeks. I hope once May or June ends, life will slow down a little and I can begin putting myself back together.

Playing along with Annie’s Sparks at McGuffy’s Reader and Sandee’s Awww Monday at Comedy Plus.

6 thoughts on “Sparks and Awwww Monday

  1. No apologies needed, Lisa, because I totally understand. Sometimes life happens and we need to focus our attention on those things because they are the most important. I too have been focusing more on the changes in my life because that’s where I need to focus my attention. I have a lot of change coming up in the next four months, so right now, that’s were my energy is going.

    LOVE the photograph of Cabo. OMG…he is sooooooooooo darn cute!

    Have a great week, my friend!

    (((((((((((( YOU ))))))))))))

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  2. What a cute doggie! Hey, don’t sweat it where blogging goes. Life just happens. We all have priorities that need our attention, so we certainly understand and are here for you when you find time to visit. I’d love to join you on the beach with or without a cookie to just unwind, feel the sun on my cheeks, a gentle breeze sweep across my skin, and warm sand between my toes. That sounds so lovely, doesn’t it? Have a great way 🙂

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z iPad Art Sketch ‘Z’ for Zinnias

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I would join you in a heartbeat, dear Lisa!!
    As much as I look forward to spring and summer, the minute it hits, my schedule fills to the top (and overflows!) with things you just can’t do in the winter.
    Sending you hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

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