Winter’s enchantment

On January 12th, winter finally hit with a vengeance. A week earlier, we were playing outside in 60F weather. I noticed a few daffodil sprouts peeking though the mulch. I sat outside and read a magazine.

Friday changed all that. It began as rain but became obvious by 4pm that getting off the road as quickly as possible would be the primary order of business.

By Saturday morning, we woke up to winter. All 18 inches of it. Winter storm Gia was making her appearance known.

The first fall of snow is not only an event but it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up to find yourself in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment, where is it to be found? ~J. B. Priestly

Yes, at 7am it was an enchanting site. Snow, slowly and silently falling in the early morning hours, was blanketing everything with newness.

The wind crooned softly as it dusted the snow against the windows, wrapping them in a thick and fluffy cotton blanket.
~Soheir Khashoggi, Nadia’s Song

The snow doesn’t give a soft white damn whom it touches.
~E.E. Cummings

A snow plow had already made it through our subdivision, but Mother Nature was quickly reclaiming the street. For a short time, it seemed like we were suspended in time.

Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.
~Vesta M. Kelly

And, boy oh boy, did they ever stick together! Every cedar and pine tree was literally bowing to the power created by those little snowflakes.

The snow was endless, a heavy blanket on the outdoors; it had a way about it. A beauty. But I knew that, like many things, beauty could be deceiving.
~Cambria Hebert, Whiteout

Beauty is deceiving. As lovely as our winter wonderland appeared, it was not without casualties and fatalities. A number of tree limbs…trees that had survived decades of winter weather….surrendered to the weight of this snow and snapped. Power lines went down and more than 8,000 homes were without power for the majority of the day and night. We were fortunate our power was not interrupted and we were able to comfortably shelter in place during the worst of it. My heart went out to those not so fortunate, and to those working to clear roads and restore power.

The latest leaves are shaken from the oaks and alders; the snow-laden pines, with drooping boughs, look like barbed arrows aimed at the sky
~John Muir, Yosemite in Winter

It was truly an awesome site. And just another one of nature’s reminders that we are really not in control of anything.

Hope your Tuesday is a happy one. Ours is happier since the temps are rising above freezing the next few days. Just in time for another possible “snow event” next weekend! Blog hopping today with Comedy Plus and Peabea’s Photos n Scribbles.

11 thoughts on “Winter’s enchantment

  1. Wow, that’s a lot of snow, but it’s beautiful. I know it creates havoc for so many. We’re having rain storms now. The first one was yesterday and today is a bigger one and then tomorrow is even a bigger one. Lots of rain.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a Happy Tuesday, my friend. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  2. While that kind of snowfall is beautiful and a boon for little ones like your grand girls, I no longer relish a walk in it like I did in my youth. We’ve been spared that this past couple of winters – so far.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my word that is a lot of snow. The pictures are breathtaking and the poems so appropriate.

    We had a real blizzard (for NC) in early December. 8″ we rarely get 8″ in an entire winter season and sometimes go several years w/o snow. 18″ would have us housebound for EVER
    Hugs Cecilia

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lisa…. I thought I best tell you I am older than dirt, had my 70th bday last week, but extremely young at heart. Marlu, my daughter is 47.
    I loved hearing what a great reader your granddaughter is.
    Hugs Cecilia

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ” All 18 inches of it. ”

    OMG, Lisa…that’s A LOT of snow! But as you know, I adore winter and all that comes with it, so I really enjoyed seeing these photographs. They’re STUNNING!

    I saw on the news yesterday that this weekend, we’re getting hit hard with snow. And fortunately, I have this weekend off so I’ll be outside running around the snow flakes and taking pictures. Can’t wait!

    Love the quotes you used in this post!

    Thanks for sharing the beauty of winter, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You got some really lovely photos. We didn’t get nearly that much snow, but what we did get, the wind ended up leaving about a 5ft drift right around the front of the house. So when that happens, there is no way, I can get my car our nor can hubby get through with his garden tractor with the plow. Plus the temps were way too cold for him. A young man stopped by with his 4 wheeler and plow and cleared our drive. He was certainly a blessing since I needed to get my car free to pick up the grandson from school. Nice people are everywhere. 🙂 Glad you stayed warm. I love looking out at the white stuff with the heat on. I’m already over this winter. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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