Photo Challenge: Snap Away!

We close another month and, mercifully, are one step closer to being done with 2020! PJ’s prompt for September’s was Snap Away! Open-ended, for sure. And, lends itself to a lot of interpretations.

So let’s start with the end of summer.  The hummers are still circling the feeders and showing no sign of heading south yet. They’ve been such a joy to watch this summer. I’ll hate to see them go. They were even bold enough to hover close to us while sitting on the patio.
……and all at once, summer collapsed into fall. ~Oscar Wilde

It’s official. Autumn is here and time to dig out those cute boots and cozy sweaters from storage. Nothing says Autumn like 90F degree afternoons…..said no one ever in the Midwest. But, at least it can look like Autumn.
With all these lovely tokens of September days are here, with summers best of weather and the autumns best of cheer. ~Helen Hunt Jackson

School has started and Peanut and Twix are back with their butts in seat at their respective schools with mask mandates and no outside visitors. Peanut is navigating middle school and taking band class. And, yes, her instrument of choice is the trombone! It’s almost as big as she is. She is also in choir along with her core academic classes.  One cannot instill a love for the arts too early in a child’s education!

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. ~Plato

Twix successfully found her class on the first day of school without any parental involvement and is well on her way to becoming an accomplished first grader. We explored two local museums; the Museum of Art and Archeology, and the Museum of Anthropology. As amazing as all the historical exhibits are, she really loves the colorful Chihuly pieces on display. I have to agree…they are nothing short of amazing. Again, one cannot instill a love for the arts too early in a child’s education!

It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done. ~Vincent Van Gogh

There’s a fungus among us. While on the lookout for the unusual, I noticed an old stump in our backyard is slowly being taken over by some of mother nature’s more interesting coverings. Some might say, ewwwwww, but if you look closely, these “attachments” are amazingly lovely. Since the stump is part of our fairly garden, it looks appropriately magical.

If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. ~Laura Ingalls Wilder

There’s my selection for September’s Snap Away. Please be sure to visit PJ’s place tomorrow to see what other snapping took place this month.

12 thoughts on “Photo Challenge: Snap Away!

  1. Your header photo makes me want a pumpkin and some Mums.
    Fall – that oh so special time of year. Our afternoons are not in the 90s, but unseasonably warm in the 80s this week. The light, the feel of the air, the calling of fall to my senses drew my furry kids and I out to the front deck yesterday evening, for a longer period than normal. Of course, I had wine – enough so that when I went back inside after the sun set, a cup of tea was in order. So relaxing. Just what these times need.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome selection of photos for this challenge, Lisa! That first one of the hummer is OUTSTANDING!

    And being a pumpkin lover, the second one put a huge smile on my face (as well as your new blog header). I know, the weather has been fluctuating here as well. I am so looking forward to a nice, crispy cold snap. 🙂

    ” Peanut is navigating middle school and taking band class. And, yes, her instrument of choice is the trombone! It’s almost as big as she is.” That is so cool! And she looks so at-home holding that trombone.

    Beautiful pieces of glass in the photo with Twix. She’s adorable!

    “Since the stump is part of our fairly garden, it looks appropriately magical.” And you’re right, amazingly lovely.

    Well done on this challenge, my friend! X

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  3. Personally I am super happy to embrace fall. Of course around here it’s really getting there. Sweater weather and all. I love how you are still making the best of it. Love me a good, colorful pumpkin picture, it makes my heart happy. And look how grown up the girls are getting!

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  4. Such wonderful colors in all of these photos. I was a trumpet player. They moved me to baritone for a while but I didn’t like having to carry such a big instrument so I switched back. I played the flugelhorn for a bit in marching band on high school. Keep it up, it’s a great skill.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy fall! So lovely to see your grand-daughters experiencing the arts. I have stepped away from choir until there’s a vaccine/a cure or some other substantial change re: COVID-19 cases. But it’s something I’ve enjoyed for almost 50 years now! Never gets “old” (unlike me 😉 ). While we haven’t seen hummingbirds around here in months, we have been seeing flocks of Canada Geese flying south this month. I always wonder how long it takes them to form up the “V”.

    Liked by 2 people

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