August Photo Challenge

How the heck did it get to be the end of August/first of September already? Do you realize Christmas is only four months away?!

But for today, we’re recapping the month with PJ’s photo challenge. August’s prompt was Adventure. Merriam Webster defines an Adventure as an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks; an exciting or remarkable experience.

I’m not sure every adventure involves danger and unknown risks, but I guess we’ll just roll with it for now.

Adventure 1
I suppose this little lady might have thought she was on an adventure. As a katydid bug, she usually keeps to the lilies in my garden. But, one day I found her in my master bathroom hanging out on this bottle of nail polish. Obviously, she hitched a ride on Cabo to get inside to be ready for her mani/pedi. It was an adventure just to catch her…she was a fast little bugger but is now back outside in my lilies. I saw her again when I went to get tomatoes out of the garden.

Adventure 2
This would be the closest to the definition of Adventure as a remarkable experience with unknown risks. Peanut (still need a new name for her) went completely outside her comfort zone and signed up to go to camp with our church’s middle school youth group. In the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. For a week. By herself (no family along). With a hundred plus other 11-13 year olds who she really didn’t know well. In all, our church group took six coach buses of tween/teens and staff on the trip. Once there, she repelled off mountains, did archery, hiked and had more new experiences than she’s ever had before. As one who has anxiety about the unknown and because she only really knew two people in the group, her Mama and I weren’t completely sure she would actually get on the bus when it left for the 12+ hour drive. But she did and survived the mountaintop adventure. And,   was all smiles when she returned. This, however, is her “nervous smile” before she left.

Adventure 3
Twix is ready for the unknown adventure that goes along with 2nd grade. She will still be in the same Primary School she’s been in for the past two years. But, even though she’s one of the “upperclassmen” of the building (K-2), there’s higher expectations that go with second grade that may prove to be adventurous.

Adventure 4
Peanut is entering her second year of middle school as a 7th grader. Even though she will be in the same building, each year presents itself with new challenges and adventures to experience. New schedule. New teachers. New classrooms. New locker. As a kid that prefers stability….just becoming a teenager will probably be adventure enough this year for all of us.

Adventure 5
It’s no secret I love photography and my favorite subjects are my grandkids. But as much as I love them, sometimes these photo sessions can become a lesson in  a challenge for   a test of   an adventure in patience when they devolve and deviate from my plan….as these first day of school outtake pics will testify.

Even though I didn’t really go on any bonafide “adventures” this month, parenting and grandparenting always proves to be an undertaking usually involving unknown risks that result in exciting and remarkable experiences.

Check out PJ’s post to see what adventures were waiting for others for the month of August.

14 thoughts on “August Photo Challenge

  1. We have bugs and little lizards that get inside and we always put them back outside. So cute.

    Love the camp adventure. You never know how they will take to being away and it’s always nice when they have a fabulous time.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Adventures come in different flavors, and life with kids of all ages can be quite an adventure sometimes. I’m having a really hard time with “Peanut” being in 7th grade – if I remember correctly, she was but an infant when I first started following you. These years are passing far too quickly.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That shot of the katydid bug on the nail polish bottle you captured is positively BRILLIANT! You should submit it to National Geographic with the caption, “Even bugs wear nail polish!”

    And BRAVO to Peanut for stepping outside her comfort zone and doing something different!

    LOVE the photos of the girls and chalk drawings. So clever!

    Great selection of photos for this challenge. Well done, my friend! X

    Have superb weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You have the cutest grandkids, Lisa! 🙂 No wonder they are your favourite subject. I would have run screaming from the room at the sight of that bug. 😀 Happy September to you. Hard to believe summer is almost over.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your grandkids are amazing.

    Go Peanut for the church trip!

    Wishing your grands a safe school year.
    It’s my daughter’s first year of Preschool and in a pandemic without vaccination for those under 12, I’m way more on edge than I should be in a “normal” year.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great looking month. As a former Scout leader, I can attest to the nervousness of that first trip away but the tremendous growth that is evident on the return makes it all worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love your closing paragraph – parenting and grandparenting, the very definition of adventure! 🙂 As for the photos themselves, well done. You have some keepers for the family album, for sure. And whoever came up with the idea for the colourful chalkwork as a backdrop for a more creative back-to-school picture deserves a royalty from everyone who borrows that idea for milestone photos.

    Liked by 1 person

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