Random thoughts for the week

Textured with Kim Klassen’s Lola and Violet

Well, here we are at Friday again! Can you believe it’s already the middle of January?Where does the time go? And if it’s Friday, it must be time for Nancy’s Random 5 Friday list and Kim’s Friday Finds.

My find this week is that I noticed people fell into two camps during the Polar Vortex event. They either groused and complained or found some way to embrace the situation and make the best of it. I hope I fell into the latter, but when I ran across this quote, I thought it personified that attitude perfectly. The only question is….what sort of song did they find to sing? 🙂

My Random 5:

1. The shellac manicure I got on January 4th ended with the salon re-doing all my nails. Re-doing because in the course of one week, the shellac peeled off four nails. After my second trip in for a repair, come to find out the manicurist missed a step. Duh.

2. Entrepreneur and I are getting ready to jet outta here to sunny Arizona for a few days of warmth! And we’re taking Peanut with us so Mama and Daddy can have a weekend together before Twix makes her appearance. We’re going to visit one of the great-grandmas and check out the Phoenix zoo.

3. The Investigator will begin her weekly doctor’s appointments next week! Only about 5 weeks to go! She’s already packed her hospital bag, has the infant carseat in the van and is washing baby clothes. In addition, she’s sewing new baby blankets. Does this count as *nesting*?

4. The Golfer started her new job in Florida this week. She’s scored a new laptop, golf shoes and shirts. I think it’s ironic that she fled the Midwest because of the cold and her area has had some freeze warnings since she’s been back. I’m now back to stalking her on Facebook for updates.

5. I’ve been having some super crazy dreams lately. I can’t even blame them on spicy food. They defy any remotely logical interpretation, and evaporate from my memory in seconds. As soon as I wake up I think, what a weird dream, and then minutes later I can’t remember them to save my soul!

I hope you all have a warmer weekend and are successful in always finding a joyful song to sing!

Linking up with Friday Finds, Random 5 Friday & Quotography
fridayfindsbutton2  random 5  Quotography

19 thoughts on “Random thoughts for the week

  1. So happy you’re getting to escape to warmer climes for a bit of a break – may not be the warm sands of tropical places, but it’ll be warm sands. I’m sure Mom and Dad will be happy to have a weekend of their own and Peanut will love time with Grandma and Grandpa. Enjoy!


  2. Lisa, both your photograph (which is truly AWESOME, btw) and quote are faaaaabulously married!

    And it’s ironic you posted this today because I’ve be meditating on this as well. We can’t always change everything in our lives. However, we can alter our perception and find the ‘song’ in it. I learn more from those experiences, than I do from everything going my way and smooth.

    Thank you for sharing this reminder and have a super time in Arizona!!!!


    • However, we can alter our per­cep­tion and find the ‘song’ in it. That is so very true! Thanks for stopping by and for the kind words.


  3. My older sister used to have her nails done religiously for years, but then picked up a toe fungus (I believe as a result.) I don’t have the extra funds or the nails for this… but if it makes you happy, go for it!

    Enjoy your trip Lisa — sounds wonderful.


  4. Dreams are funny that way, aren’t they? I keep a dream journal by my bed and give myself a few seconds when I wake up to see if I have a slght remembrance of them. I write them down, even in pieces, if I do, because they absolutley go “poof” once you start going about your day. Where do they go? What do they mean? What are we downloading? Waht are their messages? They fascinate me.


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