Photo challenge: Inside

photo blog challenge

January’s prompt for PJ’s photo challenge is Inside. While winter has been fairly mild here in Middle Missouri, I can’t seem to talk myself into going outside much…so this prompt is perfect.

Inside #1: Bridget is inside…and the birds at the feeders are outside and very thankful. She perches on the windowsill and watches…always watches. As if somehow, miraculously, she’ll be able to grab one.
inside 1

Inside #2: What to do when it’s cold outside? Go rollerskating! Peanut met a friend at the skating rink one Saturday morning. The rink offers a two-hour session for skaters nine years old and under every Saturday morning.
inside 2

Inside #3: For my birthday, The Golfer sent me a bit of the outside to brighten my inside. These lovely tulips have been the inspiration for some much-needed creative fun.
inside 3

Inside #4: Entrepreneur also gave me some color to brighten the dreary winter days…and wine to deal with the rest.
birthday carnations

Inside #5: A few weeks ago our church hosted special exhibit of original artwork from a few well-recognized masters; Picasso, Miro, Dali and Chagall just to name drop of few of them. The outside night was cold, but inside was warmed with music, art, wine and appetizers. This one is doing double duty as I’m showing one of Joan Miro’s works…which give us a glimpse of the “inside” workings of his Surrealistic/Expressionistic mind. Sorta a scary place. 🙂
Miro-Constellations 12 copy

Bonus: January was my birthday month and I was thrilled to get a shot of me and the grandbabykins…inside…on the couch.

So, there’s my inside five for January. Go on over to PJ’s to see what inside activities the others did with their time.

10 thoughts on “Photo challenge: Inside

  1. Lisa, what EXCELLENT choices for this theme! Everyone of them made me smile 🙂 Love the one of Bridget looking outside the window and the one of the girls roller skating. It reminded me of when I was a kid and went roller skating on the weekends.

    Beautiful shot of you and the girls!

    Well done, my friend. Have a super week!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful wonderful photos!!!!!! The kinds of pictures that just make you smile. I recently went to our local art museum and was so drawn to a Picasso. It wasn’t necessarily the painting but the fact that HE touched it.. HE painted it…. and it was right there in front of me.

    I love skating rinks… what a great idea for them to have time for certain ages. There are always older kids going way too fast – this is so much safer.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! Another great set of photos. I really like how your grandkids keep showing up each month. They are growing up quickly. The flower pictures have me yearning for a bit of spring…or at least a walk through a florist shop.

    Belated happy birthday wishes!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy Birthday, Lisa! Such a great photo with the girls. The last photo of me with my grandsons has the three of us falling over. My oldest grandson, who is almost six, never stops moving, unless you put a video game controller in his hands. Beautiful photos. I really like the way you shot the tulips.

    Liked by 1 person

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