One word for 2015

fearlessTexture by Kim Klassen; Evolve, 50% multiply

Instead of making resolutions, many people select one word to focus on for the new year. This has been intriguing to me as I am not one to make resolutions either. But time slips away and it’s usually St. Patrick’s Day before I remember I was going to jump in and do that.

But 2015 is going to be different. With our bombshell news at the end of 2014, lots of things are going to happen this year. And I need something to help me focus. On January 1st I began mulling over different words…all good words that probably would have been beneficial.

Faith: Yes, my faith is going to be tested like never before.
Courage/Strength: Yes, we all will need courage/strength to face what the coming months have in store.
Acceptance: Yes, like it or not, there’s a chance I will need to accept the possibility of life vastly different than I’d planned.
Healing/Restoration: Yes, this would have been a good word on which to focus. Regardless of whether Entrepreneur experiences physical healing, or the emotional healing rest of us will need if he doesn’t, this would have worked well.

But the word I chose for 2015 is


I realized fear is at the root of everything I’m feeling right now. Fear is causing me to dwell on worst case scenarios….despite putting up a seemingly optimistic front. Fear is paralyzing me with the thought of having to operate our company and personal finances by myself. Fear and sadness is consuming me with thoughts that Peanut and Twix will grow up without their Papa being an integral part of their lives. The realization that all our dreams and plans to grow old together may have been made in vain is terrifying me.

Fear is central to the human condition. Fear of the unknown and twisted perceptions is what drives most of the anxiety we experience in life. Personal peace disappears, replaced with scenarios of what ifs. Despite all our efforts to be optimistic, fear causes little seeds of doubt to take root and to grow into a tangled mess. And when that happens, we have a tendency to become hopeless and our lives fall apart.

All because of fear.

So, I choose to focus on being fearless as I pray for the courage/strength to face the trials and struggles to come. I choose to focus on being fearless and accept whatever my life will look like months and years down the road. I choose to focus on being fearless, because God tells us repeatedly to fear not. In fact, we’re reminded hundreds of times in the bible to be not afraid.

Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ~Isaiah 41:10

This is my command—
be strong and courageous!
Do not be afraid or discouraged.
For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~Joshua 1:9

Peace I leave with you;
my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your hearts be troubled,
neither let them be afraid. ~John 14:27

And finally…

Be the kind of woman who,
when your feet hit the floor in the morning
the Devil says, Oh @#$%, she’s awake.

Fear less.

Linking up with Life Through the Lens and Friday Finds
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41 thoughts on “One word for 2015

  1. Excellent word – fearless. You can be that, you will be that. Necessity is the mother of invention. And to help you with that goal, you are surrounded by love that will go on eternally.


  2. “Be the kind of woman who,
    when your feet hit the floor in the morning
    the Devil says, Oh @#$%, she’s awake”

    HA! Lisa, I had never heard that before, but it’s brilliant!

    You expressed your thoughts and feelings so openly and beautifully in this post. There is something about fear that is very powerful because it taps into our faith and shows us real strength. Often when we feel the most powerless is when we also feel the most powerful.

    Please know that you and always in my thoughts and prayers, my friend.

    ((((((((((( You ))))))))))


  3. Oh my goodness, yes! I am going to live this with you. I haven’t really shared, and I am not walking in your shoes, but two years ago I went thought a crisis of faith (so to speak) and worked through a ton of issues on fear and trust. And then last year, one thing after another. “Fear is central to the human condition. Fear of the unknown and twisted perceptions is what drives most of the anxiety we experience in life.” Yep, and trying to release it is so very hard sometimes. So I’m praying fearless over you friend. I’m glad you are back at LTTL.


  4. Dear Cousin – I have been thinking of you all especially now that all the distracting festivities are over. Remember to take care of yourself also! It is amazing, when we share our struggles, how many people have gone through something similar and are willing to hold us up through the fight. Keeping you in prayer & love!


  5. You are one of the strongest women I know and look up to, that said I know that you will strive to live every day as fearless as possible. Continuing to send love and prayers to you.


  6. Just now seeing your bombshell news as I pretty much went off grid for much of December. Words are all I have but I am truly sorry. Fearless. Praying not only for you to be fearless but for miracles to happen. They do, you know. xo


  7. Lisa, You express yourself so well. I like your word. Fear less. Fearless. May you find strength in God, in His love, in His Word, and His promises. Be fearless for your husband. Be fearless for you. Keeping you in prayer.


  8. That’s a perfect word choice for you this year. I especially like how you divided it into two words at the end of your post. Takes the fear right out of the word doesn’t it? I’m praying for your family.


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