Our first Twixism!

Back in 2012 we started keeping track of some of the random things Peanut would say as a three and a half year old. You can read some of them HERE, HERE, HERE an HERE.

Well, here it is 2017 and Twix is right on schedule. Her first Twixism (that’s been shared with me) was heard this morning while they were getting ready to come to our house.

Backgrounder: Peanut is starting third grade on Wednesday. She is both excited and a bit anxious. She started a new school last year when they moved into their newly renovated house. She knows the school and has tons of friends. But I suppose that doesn’t overcome those first-day-of-school jitters about the unknown that lies ahead.

This morning The Recruiter told us Peanut said she had “butterflies in her stomach.”

To which Twix replied: “Maybe you stood outside with your mouth open and butterflies flew in.”

Completely reasonable.

Planning on sharing this at
Peabea’s Scribble Pad
for Pictorial Tuesday.

7 thoughts on “Our first Twixism!

  1. OMG Lisa….that is PRICELESS!

    And I love how you’ve labeled them a “Twixism”- genius!

    This post made me recall starting a new year of school as a kid; especially 1st grade. Isn’t it something how (even though it was eons ago) many of us can remember exactly how we felt – nervous – or as The Recruiter said, “butterflies in her stomach.”

    Cute photographs!

    Have a super week, my friend. And the BEST to Peanut on starting third grade on Wednesday!

    Liked by 1 person

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