February Photo Challenge: Winter

photo blog challenge

Here is it the first of March and I’m a bit late to PJ’s February link-up party this time because I ran away from winter the last part of the month. Yes, I was on vacay to sunny Mexico for a week of fun in the sun. But I didn’t forget about all of you braving the cold back home! Oh nooooo…..I toasted each and every one of you multiple times! 🙂

But I’m back now and ready to brave the rest of the season. So let’s get started with my winter five:

1. There hardly been any of the white stuff in Middle Missouri this year compared to the past couple of winters. But to watch the birds at the feeders, you’d think we should be expecting an avalanche of snow every. single. day. Sharks have nuthin’ on these little, feathered food eaters. Seriously, they can completely empty a feeder in one afternoon.

Mama cardinal72

2. Snow! We finally got measurable snow on Feb 16th. Since she was off school for President’s Day, Peanut insisted we go outside to play. And play we did. And, to top off vacay, we came back to a winter storm that made the drive home from the airport very interesting. More posts sharing the vacay soon.

Peanut sled

3. Tanner joined Peanut and me in the snow. Here’s the pupsicle sporting a little white goatee while eagerly anticipating Peanut’s snowball.

tanner snow pup

4. An exciting event happened in early February. Twix turned ONE! So, while this isn’t a typical winter photo, it is a shot of my favorite snow baby. Family and friends gathered to celebrate a year of cuteness. We did have snow last year at this time. But this day turned out to be about 60F!

Twix 2-2015

5. Yes, this IS a shot of winter…..winter in Cancun! Our family spent a week away from the cold to recharge and reconnect. The Floridian Golfer, her KW, The Investigator, Peanut and Twix joined Entrepreneur and me at the Park Royal resort. We also popped for a local photographer to take our family portrait on the beach. Hope it turns out to be a good one.

Mexico winter

So, pull on your parka and boots and stomp on over to PJ’s place to see what winter looks like in other parts of the world.

17 thoughts on “February Photo Challenge: Winter

  1. An escape to sunny climates sounds wonderful right about now! Good for you guys to get away and enjoy one another and the sunshine!


  2. ” Yes, I was on vacay to sunny Mexico for a week of fun in the sun. ”

    Good for you, Lisa! I am so glad to hear that you were able to take your vacation in Mexico last month because you deserved it. And I bet you had a faaaaaabulous time too!

    Great photographs! I especially loved the one of Tanner with his goatee. ADORABLE!

    Like you, we didn’t have much snow this winter too. Much more last year.

    Welcome back, my friend! Have a super week!


  3. Oh my goodness, Cancun is looking awfully good right now. We got lots and lots of snow, and there’s a whole lot more coming down as I write this. it sure is pretty though, and we’ve finally made it above 0, so we can get out and enjoy it.

    I am so glad that all of you were able to get away together. It sounds like it was a wonderful time. xo.


  4. While every photo is lovely, it is the vacation shot on the beach that captures my heart in this yucky cold winter. We are definitely thinking about moving to a warmer climate when our grandchildren get a little older. Still, snow is fun for children and dogs. One of my dogs eats the snow as she walks; while my boy loves to catch snowballs. Our grandson had his 5th birthday in February. Happy Birthday to Twix! How wonderful to spend a vacation with your loved ones 🙂


  5. I’m so glad you posted at least one photo from Mexico. That was part of your winter.

    I still think my favorite photo is your female cardinal shot. Males get all of the glory because of their color, but I think the female Cardinals have just as much beauty in their own right and you captured it perfectly.


  6. Vastly different winter photos! Beautiful snow and gorgeous beach all in one month. I’m glad someone got to take a break from the cold.

    Happy birthday to the one year old!


  7. I really like how sharp touchable your pictures are. The bird is stunning sitting on the feeder. Tanner is funny with his beard each snowflake captured clearly. Glad you had a chance to get away. The sand in Cancun looks just like snow, making the chairs and umbrellas look a little out of place until the eye moves up to see the oceans. In love and light Cheryle


  8. Wow! Great photos this month. Every month I admire how well you photograph your grandkids and resolve to include more people in my photographs and every month I view your post and remind myself that I was going to do that! One of these months I might actually follow through!

    Taken together, your photos this month really convey a sense of fun and love. Well done!


  9. That shot of Cancun is just rubbing it in, isn’t it? Glad you had a good time. Love that photo of the dog with the snow beard. Good set of shots this month!


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